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    (译林版)2020版高考英语一轮习第1部分:语言知识 选修6 综合测试(选修6)(含解析)
    (译林版)2020版高考英语一轮习第1部分:语言知识 选修6 综合测试(选修6)(含解析)01
    (译林版)2020版高考英语一轮习第1部分:语言知识 选修6 综合测试(选修6)(含解析)02
    (译林版)2020版高考英语一轮习第1部分:语言知识 选修6 综合测试(选修6)(含解析)03
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    (译林版)2020版高考英语一轮习第1部分:语言知识 选修6 综合测试(选修6)(含解析)

    (时间:120分钟 满分:150分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    (Text 1)
    W:It’s pouring outside.①My new jacket got all wet.
    M:Take it off and let me hang it up.
    W:Thanks.①I hope the rain didn’t hurt it.It’s a new jacket,you know.
    M:①It’s a nice jacket.I think it’ll be OK when it is dry.
    1.What do they mainly talk about?( B )
    A.The rain. B.The jacket.
    C.The weather.
    (Text 2)
    M:You lost your job at the library?Oh,no!What will you do now?
    W:I think I’ll just take a vacation.
    M:What will you do then?
    W:②I’ll worry about that later.
    2.What can we infer from the talk?( C )
    A.The woman is on vacation now.
    B.The woman is a little worried.
    C.The woman is not eager to find a job.
    (Text 3)
    M:What did you do after high school?
    W:③I played in a band for a while.We played for dances around the country.
    M:Then what did you do?
    W:I started a recording company.Now I make music and money.
    3.What did the woman do just after high school?( A )
    A.She played in a band.
    B.She started a new company.
    C.She worked as a saleswoman.
    (Text 4)
    M:④This pen costs 11 dollars,but I’ve only got 7 dollars.
    W:I’ve got 6 dollars,so I’ll lend you the rest.
    4.How much will the woman lend the man?( C )
    A.6 dollars. B.7 dollars. C.4 dollars.
    (Text 5)
    W:If Lisa doesn’t return my car in 15 minutes’ time,I’m afraid we’re going to be late for the baseball game.
    M:⑤Would you like me to get a taxi for you?
    5.What does the man offer to do?( A )
    A.Call her a taxi. B.Telephone Lisa.
    C.Ride his car.
    (Text 6)
    W:Can you help me,Sir?
    M:What seems to be the trouble?
    W:There is something wrong with my bike.Brake,chain or something else?
    M:Oh,⑥your wheels seem to have become loose.That’s dangerous.Without good wheels,accidents are more likely to happen.You’d better have them repaired as soon as possible.
    W:Where can I find a repairman?
    M:⑦There’s one at the corner of the street,just next to the post office.⑦It is about 150 meters away.
    W:Thank you,Sir.
    M:You’re welcome.
    6.What’s wrong with the woman’s bike?( A )
    A.The wheels are loose.
    B.The brake is loose.
    C.The chain is loose.
    7.Where does the conversation most probably take place?( B )
    A.In a post office. B.In the street.
    C.In a garage.
    (Text 7)
    W:What time is it now?
    M:Let me look at my watch.Oh,it’s nine-thirty already.
    W:Though today is Saturday,it’s time for us to get up,or we’ll have a really late breakfast.
    M:⑧We can have brunch in a Chinese restaurant for a change.
    W:What is brunch?
    M:It’s a meal between breakfast and lunch.Many people prefer brunch on Saturdays.
    W:All right.Come on.You don’t have to wear that much.⑨It’s warm today,much warmer than yesterday.
    M:How do you know?
    W:I listened to the weather forecast on TV last night.
    8.What will the two speakers have in a Chinese restaurant?( B )
    A.Breakfast. B.Brunch.
    9.What is the weather like that day?( C )
    A.Cold. B.Cool. C.Warm.
    (Text 8)
    W:⑩I feel like doing something tonight.How about going to a movie?
    M:That’s a good idea.What’s on tonight?
    W:Which do you prefer?Chinese pictures or foreign ones?
    M:Well,I think I prefer foreign,especially literary ones such as Gone with the Wind,The Red and Black.
    W:They are old but wonderful.I like them too.
    M:But what do you think of the actress and actor in Gone with the Wind?
    W:What an excellent pair!
    M:Yes,I think so.Shall we go to see Blue Horizons?I heard it was wonderful and we shouldn’t miss it. 
    W:Are Sophia Bellini and Richard Evans the leading actress and actor in it?
    M:Yeah,they are.
    W:Great!Those two are so smart that it must be worth seeing.
    M:It’s certain that it is.Let’s go.
    10.What do the speakers mainly talk about ?( B )
    A.Movie culture. B.Tonight’s plan.
    C.Literary works.
    11.What are the speakers going to see?( A )
    A.Blue Horizons. B.The Red and Black.
    C.Gone with the Wind.
    12.What does the woman say about Sophia Bellini and Richard Evans?( A )
    A.They are smart.
    B.They are an excellent pair.
    C.They are old but wonderful actors.
    (Text 9)
    M:Cindy!Have you heard the news?
    W:No,Steve.What do you mean?
    M:You know all the classes we’ve missed because of the snow?We’re going to have to make them up and it will have to be during the spring break.
    W:Oh,no!We have our vacation all set!What are we going to do?Do the others know that?
    M:I don’t know but I certainly can’t afford to miss five days of classes this term.
    W:But I really don’t want to cancel our trip.All of us have already booked our plane tickets!
    M:I can try to call the travel agency;maybe they can return our money.But before we do anything we need to speak with our professors.
    W:You think they’ll excuse us from class?
    M:I don’t know.But I think we’re going to have to speak to all of them anyway.
    W:Why didn’t they add extra days at the end of the term before summer classes?
    M:Because of the graduation date,which can’t be changed!
    W:Are other colleges around here doing the same thing?
    M:I would imagine so!—It has been such a bad winter and we’ve missed too many classes.We really need to make them up.
    W:I know,I know.I was just really looking forward to this vacation.The idea of the sun and the beach!
    M:Oh,look,there’s Professor Hampton right now!
    W:Come on,let’s go and talk to him.
    13.Why are the two speakers upset?( B )
    A.It may snow during their vacation.
    B.They may not be able to take their vacation.
    C.They may fail to join the graduation ceremony.
    14.What can we learn about their vacation?( B )
    A.They are going skiing.
    B.They have made bookings for their plane.
    C.Their flight has been canceled.
    15.What made them miss so many classes?( B )
    A.The earthquake.
    B.The bad winter.
    C.A terrible flu.
    16.What are they going to do right now?( A )
    A.Talk to Professor Hampton.
    B.Speak to all of the other people.
    C.Call the travel agency.
    (Text 10)
    Hello,everyone.I’d like to tell you something about the student clubs in our school.Let’s begin with our reading club.It was first started in 1968,and has 90 members now.Every Thursday afternoon,they gather together to exchange their ideas on books.And you may join them to share your views.If you are a music lover,come to our music club.This club has a total of 85 members who usually meet on Saturday. Sometimes they go to the concerts together and sometimes they give performances themselves.For those who enjoy outdoor sports,the bicycle club can be a good choice. Trips are usually organized on Wednesday and last at least two hours.Together with 50 cyclists,you can not only see the beautiful nature,but also make yourself stronger.Of course,there are also many other clubs in our school.For more information,please go to the school website.
    17.On which day can students of the reading club get together?( C )
    A.On Wednesday. B.On Saturday.
    C.On Thursday.
    18.How many clubs are mentioned in the text?( B )
    A.Two. B.Three. C.Four.
    19.How long will the bike riding last at least?( B )
    A.One hour. B.Two hours.
    C.Three hours.
    20.What does the speaker mainly talk about?( A )
    A.The school clubs. B.The school history.
    C.The school website.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    Chester City Library offers a range of Library Special Needs Services to people who don’t have access to our library services in the usual way.As long as you live in Chester City,we’ll provide a wide range of library services and resources including:
    ● Large printed and ordinary printed books
    ● Talking books on tape and CD
    ● DVDs and music CDs
    ● Magazines
    ● Reference and information requests
    Home delivery service
    Let us know what you like to read and we will choose the resources for you.Our staff will deliver the resources to your home for free.We also provide a service where we can choose the resources for you or someone instead of you can choose the things from the library.You can also choose the resources you need personally.
    Talking books and captioned videos
    The library can provide talking books for people who are unable to use printed books because of eye diseases.You don’t have to miss out on reading any more when you can borrow talking books from the library.If you have limited hearing which prevents you from enjoying movies,we can provide captioned videos for you at no charge.
    Languages besides English
    We can provide books in a range of languages besides English.If possible,we will request these items from the State Library of NSW,Australia.
    How to join?
    Contact the Library Special Needs Coordinator to register or discuss if you are eligible(合适的)for any of the services we provide—Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday 9 am—5 pm on 4297 2522 for more information.
    21.Library Special Needs Services are meant for    . 
    A.those who are fond of reading
    B.people living in Chester City with an illness or disability
    C.those who have walking disabilities
    D.those who can’t get medical help in Chester City
    22.What can we learn from the passage?
    A.Few entertaining resources are offered here.
    B.People with limited hearing have to pay for captioned videos.
    C.Books with different languages are available.
    D.People have to choose what they need by themselves.
    23.To get home delivery service,you must    . 
    A.choose printed books
    B.have others choose the resources for you
    C.pay the library ahead of time
    D.register ahead of time
    21.B 细节理解题。根据第一段的第一句“Chester City Library offers a range of Library Special Needs Services to people who don’t have access to our library services in the usual way.”及下文可知图书馆的特殊服务是打算提供给住在切斯特市有疾病或有残疾的人的。所以B项符合文意。
    22.C 细节理解题。根据第一段中including下面所列举的几项可排除A。根据Talking books and captioned videos部分中的句子“If you have limited hearing...we can provide captioned videos for you at no charge.”可排除B。根据Home delivery service部分中的句子“We also provide a service...or someone instead of you can choose the things from the library.”可排除D。再根据Languages besides English部分中的句子“We can provide books in a range of languages besides English.”可知有不同语言的书可以获得。故C项正确。
    23.D 细节理解题。根据最后一段的句子“Contact the Library Special Needs Coordinator to register or discuss if you are eligible(合适的)for any of the services we provide...”可知要想得到送货上门服务,你必须提前登记/注册。故选D。
    Our family loves the snow and cheers at the first good storm of the season.While others may think of Florida,we dream of a cabin vacation in New York’s Allegany State Park.
    One particular trip,I recall,was just a bit more memorable than the rest.What we now refer to as the snow pants incident began accidentally enough.My husband, Bernie,and our 2-year-old daughter,Faith,were building a snow fort while I sledded down a nearby slope.
    On the way back up from one trip,I saw a small stone tumbling down the track I had just made.I was puzzled,since all the other rocks were buried under several feet of snow,as I stood and wondered about the stone—it jumped! This was no stone. This was a mouse.
    Now,I love nature,but that doesn’t include mice.I loudly protested the invader, and Bernie,coming to my rescue,assured me that this was not a mouse but a mole,as if that mattered.A mouse or a mole I still didn’t like it.
    Bernie and I stood for a few minutes watching the creature disappear from the path into the furry white and come back out again.But soon it disappeared and I headed up the hill again.
    Shortly after I left,my husband screamed out,saying that the mole had gone up the leg of his snow pants.You have to understand Bernie can be quite a joker,and I smelled a rat.Not wanting to be a sucker and fall for another one of his jokes,I laughed it off.When he started running for the cabin,though,I stopped laughing and decided maybe this was for real.
    “Don’t you dare take that thing into the house!”I yelled.But like a flash,Bernie was already dashing through the cabin’s front door,with his snow pants,the mole and all.If it were me,I’d have been down to my long underwear right there in the snow without a second thought.
    A few minutes later Bernie appeared.We relished the rest of our winter vacation, drinking lots of hot chocolate,sitting beside the fireplace and admiring nature—from a safe distance.
    24.Why did the author’s husband come to her rescue?
    A.Because the “mouse” frightened her.
    B.Because she hardly controlled the sled.
    C.Because the snow fort she built was damaged.
    D.Because she stepped on the stone and fell down.
    25.When her husband said that the mole had gone up the leg of his snow pants,the author was    . 
    A.curious B.puzzled
    C.excited D.doubtful
    26.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
    A.They enjoyed the rest of their holiday.
    B.They were fond of hot chocolate.
    C.Her husband had freedom at last.
    D.Nature can be dangerous at times.
    27.What could be the best title of the text?
    A.A Memorable Experience with a Joker
    B.The Painful Incident in Allegany State Park
    C.Family’s Funny Vacation in the Snow
    D.My Strong Love for Nature
    24.A 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“I love nature,but that doesn’t include mice.I loudly protested the invader”可知,作者由于看到“老鼠”而呼救,丈夫过来救她。
    25.D 推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中“You have to understand Bernie can be quite a joker”可知作者觉得丈夫很会开玩笑,所以她怀疑丈夫的话。
    26.A 推理判断题。根据最后一段中他们喝着热巧克力,围坐在篝火旁,欣赏着自然的美景。可知,他们享受着剩余的假期。
    27.C 主旨大意题。根据短文介绍作者一家人在Allegany州立公园度过假期,以及雪地里发生的有趣的事,可知C项为最佳标题。
    We may be only three weeks into December,but artist Jonnie Hartman has been in the holiday spirit for months,designing and building the Grand America Holiday Window Stroll.
    The goal with each window stroll is to create playful and uplifting displays (展示),according to Hartman.“I really try to do something lighthearted,something whimsical,that is,something everyone can connect with and maybe not see every day in the real world,” Hartman said.
    She designs all of the window displays by hand,starting with pencil sketches, then illustrating the designs on her computer and sending parts of the drawings to be printed.From there,Hartman works with a team of five people to build the displays, creating,sewing and embellishing (润色) many elements by hand.
    However,a challenge Hartman has faced over the years as she has designed the displays is making sure all of the measurements are right for elements to fit inside the windows.
    “When I was in college,I was an art major,and I thought,‘I don’t need math.I will never use it.I’m an artist,’ and guess what,it’s the most important thing that I use,”Hartman said.“If I don’t get that right,then the windows don’t fit,the pieces don’t come together and it just doesn’t work out.”
    The holiday window stroll gives Hartman a unique opportunity to hear feedback from those who observe her creations,which is something she doesn’t always get to experience with her other artworks.She said it’s fun to hear people’s reactions as they go through the holiday window stroll.
    “It just makes me happy that I can kind of set the tone for people’s holiday season and just maybe bring a smile to their face,” Hartman said.
    28.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “whimsical” in
    Paragraph 2?
    A.Serious. B.Exciting.
    C.Unusual. D.Ordinary.
    29.What challenges Hartman most in designing the displays?
    A.The pattern. B.The fit.
    C.The colour. D.The teamwork.
    30.What does Hartman think about math now?
    A.She values it very much.
    B.She still thinks it’s useless.
    C.It is a piece of cake for her.
    D.It’s not suitable for her to learn.
    31.Why is the holiday window stroll unique for Hartman?
    A.It just can make her happy.
    B.She has a chance to create by hand.
    C.It can help improve her other artworks.
    D.She can get some remarks from the viewers.
    语篇解读:这是一篇说明文,主要介绍了Jonnie Hartman设计的the Grand America Holiday Window Stroll。
    28.C 词义猜测题。根据第二段 something everyone can connect with and maybe not see every day in the real world可知whimsical指的是不同寻常的事情。whimsical意为“异想天开的,不寻常的”。
    29.B 细节理解题。根据第四段However,a challenge Hartman has faced over the years as she has designed the displays is making sure all of the measurements are right for elements to fit inside the windows.可知挑战是确保所有的测量结果都适合于展示窗口的尺寸。
    30.A 推理判断题。根据第五段“...it’s the most important thing that I use,”Hartman said.“If I don’t get that right,then the windows don’t fit,the pieces don’t come together and it just doesn’t work out.”可知她现在认为数学很重要。
    31.D 细节理解题。根据第六段The holiday window stroll gives Hartman a unique opportunity to hear feedback from those who observe her creations,which is something she doesn’t always get to experience with her other artworks.可知她认为这个设计的独特之处在于可以得到人们的评论和反馈。
    Scientists have found living organisms trapped in crystals(晶体) that could be 50,000 years old.
    The organisms were found in a hot,but beautiful cave system in Naica,Mexico. These ancient life forms can be seen only with a microscope.Penelope Boston,who leads the Astrobiology Institute at NASA,the space agency of the United States,says the ancient microbes were able to live by eating minerals such as iron.
    She spoke about the discovery recently at a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.If the findings are confirmed,they will show how microbes can survive in extreme conditions.Forty different kinds of microbes and some viruses were found in the underground area.The genetic structures of these organisms are 10 percent different from those of their nearest relatives.
    The caves in Naica are 800 kilometers deep.They were once used for mining lead.Before the miners began working in the caves,the area was separated from the surface and the outside world.Some of the caves are as big as the large religious centers built during Europe’s Middle Ages.There are crystals covering the walls.The caves are so hot that scientists must wear special clothing to keep cool.The clothing keeps the crystals safe from human germs(病菌) or other damage.Boston said the researchers could only work for about 20 minutes at a time before they had to go to a room that was 38 degrees Celsius to cool down.
    NASA officials would not let Boston share her findings with scientific experts before last week’s announcement.So scientists could not say much about the findings. But Norine Noonan,a biologist with the University of South Florida,said she believed them.“Why are we surprised?”Noonan asked.“As a biologist,I would say life on earth is extremely tough and extremely colorful.”
    Boston is also studying microbes commonly found inside caves in other countries,such as Ukraine and the United States.These microbes appear to be impossible to kill.Boston said they show how difficult life on earth can be.
    32.The existence of the ancient microbes relies on    . 
    A.surrounding insects B.eating minerals
    C.diverse plants D.absorbing air
    33.What can we infer about the caves in Naica from the passage?
    A.The walls were built during Middle Ages.
    B.The temperature in the caves is quite low.
    C.The environment in the caves is difficult to adapt to.
    D.The caves have been explored since they were formed.
    34.What is the biologist Norine Noonan’s attitude towards the findings?
    A.Neutral. B.Doubtful.
    C.Positive. D.Indifferent.
    35.What’s the main idea of the passage?
    A.Living organisms bring hope to scientific research.
    B.Caves provide living environment for living organisms.
    C.Microbes show great power to survive in terrible conditions.
    D.Scientists discover 50,000-year-old “super life” in Mexico.
    32.B 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句中的the space agency of the United States,says the ancient microbes were able to live by eating minerals such as iron.可知,古代微生物的存在依赖于吃矿物质。
    33.C 推理判断题。根据第四段中的The caves are so hot that scientists must wear special clothing to keep cool.The clothing keeps the crystals safe from human germs(病菌) or other damage.Boston said the researchers could only work for about 20 minutes at a time before they had to go to a room that was 38 degrees Celsius to cool down.可知,在Naica山洞里的环境很难适应。
    34.C 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“Why are we surprised?”Noonan asked.“As a biologist,I would say life on earth is extremely tough and extremely colorful.”可知,生物学家Noonan对发现物的态度是积极的。
    35.D 主旨大意题。根据第一段Scientists have found living organisms trapped in crystals(晶体) that could be 50,000 years old.可知,科学家发现了5万年前的“超级生命”。
    Reasons to Take part in Student Clubs and Organizations
    Many college students don’t know what they’re missing by not taking part in the student clubs and organizations that are offered at most colleges and universities.Taking part in one can be a rich and rewarding experience.
    36.    Check them out and see what’s available.Here are a few reasons why you should take part in student clubs and organizations. 
    1.Meet new people.
    It can be hard to meet new people in college,especially in your first year.
    37.    However,in a club,you’ll find yourself in a smaller group of people who likely share your interest. 
    2.Help your major.
    There are many student clubs and organizations for different majors and departments.Such clubs can be a lot of fun as well as a great academic resource for you.By joining an academic club you will probably have an easier time to know professors in your departments.38.   
    3.Learn important leadership skills.
    Student clubs and organizations can be a good way to learn important leadership skills that would look great on job applications.39.    These skills could be event planning,finance management,and so on.Find a club that you love being a part of your school life and if you work hard you might be able to gain such a position. 
    Lastly,student clubs and organizations can simply be a lot of fun.Make sure to take advantage of student clubs and organizations to make the most out of your time in college!
    A.Have fun.
    B.Never waste energy.
    C.Class sizes can be big.
    D.Take advantage of your major.
    E.So don’t just walk past those tables during club week.
    F.In a club,you will be able to gain other important skills.
    G.And you might even get access to study help and other academic advice.
    答案:36-40 ECGFA
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    I was surprised when I received a short message from my father wishing me a happy birthday.
    I had  41  to hear from my mother,my grandmother and my other relatives— 42  never from my father.Lying in bed, 43  of my father flooded back. 
    When I was a little boy,I regarded my father as a(n) 44  able to do anything. 45 ,things slowly began to  46 .The more I learned,the more I doubted what he said.The gap between us grew and,at last,I didn’t  47  like communicating with him. 
    My father,in my mind,had no  48  in talking with me.Dinner was the only time we were together.He had no time to watch TV with me.He would tell me to ask my mother  49  I needed something.He even refused to answer my  50  when I phoned from school.I  51  the changes.I thought that perhaps my father no longer  52  me. 
    Over time,however,I began to wonder whether my  53  was right.One day,my mother told me that each time I called,father was  54  listening beside her.Suddenly,I hated myself for my  55  behavior towards him. 
    I planned thousands of times to  56  my father.In the end,however,I was always too embarrassed about what I had done. 
    But that Saturday,I was so  57  by his short message.I realized then that my father’s love for me had never disappeared.I decided to send a  58 :“Thank you,my dear father.” 
    Two days later,when I returned home,my mother told me that my father had been so  59  when he received my reply.She said he had  60  from morning till night.At that moment,I felt truly happy. 
    41.A.expected B.intended
    C.planned D.wanted
    42.A.and B.so C.but D.or
    43.A.opinions B.memories
    C.thoughts D.responses
    44.A.angel B.teacher C.hero D.friend
    45.A.However B.Otherwise
    C.Therefore D.Besides
    46.A.improve B.change
    C.develop D.appear
    47.A.still B.ever C.yet D.even
    48.A.interest B.time
    C.chance D.courage
    49.A.in case B.if
    C.even if D.after
    50.A.letters B.e-mails
    C.questions D.calls
    51.A.got fond of B.got tired of
    C.got familiar with D.got accustomed to
    52.A.helped B.supported
    C.loved D.missed
    53.A.behavior B.attitude
    C.manner D.action
    54.A.often B.always
    C.seldom D.never
    55.A.casual B.rude
    C.cold D.cruel
    56.A.apologize to B.write to
    C.talk with D.consult with
    57.A.excited B.confused
    C.touched D.pleased
    58.A.letter B.card
    C.gift D.reply
    59.A.upset B.happy
    C.sad D.nervous
    60.A.waited B.signed
    C.hesitated D.smiled
    41.A 根据第一段“I was surprised when I received a short message from my father...”及下文对自己与父亲之间关系的描述可知,作者预想到会收到母亲、外婆和其他亲属的来信,但从未期待(expect)过会收到来自父亲的问候。intend想要,打算;plan计划;want想要。
    42.C 根据空后的“never from my father”可知,作者从未期待过收到来自父亲的问候,上下文之间为转折关系,故用but连接。
    43.B 根据空后的“flooded back”及下一段中“When I was a little boy...”可知,关于父亲的记忆(memory)涌入脑海中。opinion意见,看法;thought想法;response反应,答复。
    44.C 根据空后的“able to do anything”可知,作者小时候认为父亲是一个无所不能的英雄(hero)。
    45.A 作者小时候认为父亲是英雄,后来学到的东西越多,作者越怀疑父亲说的话,上下文之间为转折关系,故选A项。
    46.B 句意为:然而,情况慢慢开始发生了变化(change)。
    47.D 随着年龄的增长,作者与父亲之间的隔阂越来越深,甚至不喜欢与父亲交流。设空处用even表递进关系。
    48.A 根据下文可知,作者的父亲没时间和他一起看电视甚至有时候会拒接电话,因此,作者认为父亲没有兴趣(interest)与他聊天。
    49.B 如果(if)作者需要什么东西,父亲会让他问母亲。根据语境可知选B项,if引导条件状语从句。
    50.D 根据下文“when I phoned from school”可知,作者从学校打来电话,父亲甚至会拒接。
    51.D 上文作者回忆了很多事,写出与父亲前后关系的变化,随着时间的推移,作者习惯了(get accustomed to)这些变化。get fond of喜欢上……;get tired of对……厌倦;get familiar with对……熟悉。
    52.C 根据上文可知,作者认为父亲没有兴趣和他聊天,拒接电话,对他漠不关心,因此觉得父亲或许不再爱(love)他了。help帮助;support支持,拥护;miss想念,错失。
    53.A 根据本段最后一句“I hated myself for my     behavior...”可知,本空是原词复现。随着时间的推移,作者开始思考自己的行为(behavior)是否正确。故选A项。attitude态度;manner举止,方式;action行动。 
    54.B 有一天母亲告诉作者每次他打电话。父亲总是(always)在旁边听着。be always doing sth.总是做某事。
    55.C 听了母亲的话,作者开始讨厌自己对父亲冷漠的(cold)行为。casual随便的;rude粗鲁的;cruel残忍的。
    56.A 根据前文可知,作者已经意识到自己的行为有错,故想要找机会道歉。apologize to向……道歉;write to给……写信;talk with和……交谈;consult with请教,商讨。
    57.C 根据下文“I realized then that my father’s love for me had never disappeared.”可知,作者意识到父亲对他的爱从未消失过,因此,收到父亲的短信他非常感动(touched)。excited兴奋的;confused困惑的;pleased高兴的。
    58.D 根据上文可知,作者收到了父亲的短信,根据下文“Thank you,my dear father.”可知,作者回复(reply)了短信。根据下文的“when he received my reply”也可得出答案。
    59.B 根据下文“...from morning till night.”可知,父亲收到作者的回复后,非常开心(happy)。
    60.D 根据前文可知,父亲收到作者的回复很开心,所以从早上笑(smile)到晚上。
    Talking is the most effective and satisfying way of communication with others.There are many forms of communication,61.     include texting,cell phones,email,and social media.62.    (use) these alternative forms to communicate with others may be faster,63.     they lack many qualities that a face-to-face conversation 64.    (possess). 
    Facial expression and body language can 65.     (great) affect a conversation.They can be used to give a person some information about what the other person is thinking and 66.    (feel).Facial expression can 67.    (apply) to video chatting,but body language can only be found in a face-to-face conversation. Talking in person can have physical 68.    (feature).Giving someone a hug and holding their hand 69.    (comfort)them can only be done in person.When you are talking to someone by texting or messaging them,physical touch does not exist at all,which can limit the connection 70.     the people in the communication. 
    61.which 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,该句为非限制性定语从句,先行词为forms of communication,关系词作从句的主语,故用which引导该定语从句。
    62.Using 考查动名词。分析句子结构可知,此处为动名词短语作主语,故用动名词Using。
    63.but 考查连词。使用这些可替代的交流方式可能会更快捷,但是它们缺乏面对面交流所拥有的特点。根据句意可知,两句间为转折关系,故用转折连词but。
    64.possesses 考查动词的时态和主谓一致。根据上下文时态可知,空处应用一般现在时;该从句的主语是单数可数名词,故谓语动词用单数。
    65.greatly 考查副词。空处修饰动词affect,故用副词形式greatly。
    66.feeling 考查动词的时态。根据该句中的“thinking”和语境可知,面部表情和肢体语言能给人一些他人正在思考和感受什么的信息,故用现在进行时。
    67.be applied 考查被动语态。主语Facial expression和动词apply为动宾关系,故用被动语态。由can可知,应填be applied。
    68.features 考查名词的数。根据下句中的“Giving someone a hug”和“holding their hand”可知,面对面交谈可以包含多个身体特征,故用复数形式。
    69.to comfort 考查动词不定式。根据句意可知,空处表示拥抱和握手的目的,故用动词不定式。
    70.between 考查介词。这里表示“人们之间的联系”,应用介词between。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题l分,满分10分)
    Being responsible is actually not that difficult.I used to think it is hard to grow up into a responsible member of our society.An incident happening in a rainy Sunday afternoon changed my attitude.I was on my way to the bookstore and was waiting for the green light while a girl was knocked down by passing car,which drove off quickly.A man immediately gave her first aid and I had joined in without hesitation. Soon many help was given to the girl.Because we sent her to the nearest hospitals in time,she was able to receive properly treatment.Not badly injured,I expressed gratitude to those giving help.Compared with the escaping driver,I was proud of what I did.
    答案:Being responsible is actually not that difficult.I used to think it hard to grow up into a responsible member of our society.An incident happening a rainy Sunday afternoon changed my attitude.I was on my way to the bookstore and was waiting for the green light a girl was knocked down by passing car,which drove off quickly.A man immediately gave her first aid and I joined in without hesitation.Soon help was given to the girl.Because we sent her to the nearest in time,she was able to receive treatment.Not badly injured, expressed gratitude to those giving help.Compared with the driver,I was proud of what I did.
    固定句式:be doing...when...“正在做某事,这时……”。 
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    Dear Sir or Madam,
    With all my best regards.
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua
    One possible version:
    Dear Sir or Madam,
    I’m writing this letter to apply to work as a volunteer you have advertised for. In my opinion, not only can volunteer work help me enrich my knowledge and experience, but also it can help the visitors from all over the world to know better about our school.
    I am good at English. In addition,in the past three years I have taken part in many social activities in which I performed well and gained rich experience. Furthermore,my interests and skills in communication and teamwork contribute to my application for the job.
    I would appreciate an interview at your convenience. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
    With all my best regards.
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua
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