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    专题14 阅读理解之记叙文-2023年中考英语总复习真题探究与变式训练(江苏专用)
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      专题14 阅读理解之记叙文-2023年中考英语总复习真题探究与变式训练(江苏专用)(原卷版).docx
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      专题14 阅读理解之记叙文-2023年中考英语总复习真题探究与变式训练(江苏专用)(解析版).docx
    专题14 阅读理解之记叙文-2023年中考英语总复习真题探究与变式训练(江苏专用)01
    专题14 阅读理解之记叙文-2023年中考英语总复习真题探究与变式训练(江苏专用)02
    专题14 阅读理解之记叙文-2023年中考英语总复习真题探究与变式训练(江苏专用)03
    专题14 阅读理解之记叙文-2023年中考英语总复习真题探究与变式训练(江苏专用)01
    专题14 阅读理解之记叙文-2023年中考英语总复习真题探究与变式训练(江苏专用)02
    专题14 阅读理解之记叙文-2023年中考英语总复习真题探究与变式训练(江苏专用)03
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    专题14 阅读理解之记叙文-2023年中考英语总复习真题探究与变式训练(江苏专用)

    这是一份专题14 阅读理解之记叙文-2023年中考英语总复习真题探究与变式训练(江苏专用),文件包含专题14阅读理解之记叙文-2023年中考英语总复习真题探究与变式训练江苏专用解析版docx、专题14阅读理解之记叙文-2023年中考英语总复习真题探究与变式训练江苏专用原卷版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共61页, 欢迎下载使用。

    专题14 阅读理解之记叙文

    例1 (2022·江苏淮安·统考中考真题)Once a rich businessman gave his daughter a beautiful necklace. But later the necklace for the girl went missing. The businessman offered a reward of $50,000 for anyone who could find it.
    One day Robin was walking home along a dirty river. He saw something shining in the river. It was the diamond necklace! He decided to catch it so that he could get the reward.
    He put his hand in the dirty river and tried to catch the necklace, but somehow missed it.
    He tried again. This time he walked into the river and put his whole arm in to catch the necklace. But strangely, he still missed it!
    He came out and started walking away. Then again he saw the necklace, right there. He decided to give it a final try.
    He jumped into the dirty water and searched everywhere for the necklace but still he failed. He came out feeling very sad.
    Just then an old man, who was walking by, saw him and asked what was wrong. At first Robin did not want to share the secret with the old man. But finally he decided to tell the truth.
    He told the old man about the necklace and how he tried to catch it. The old man then said, “Perhaps you should try looking up, towards the branches(枝条)of the tree, instead of in the dirty river.
    Robin looked up and the necklace was indeed on a branch of the tree. He had tried to catch a reflection(倒影)of the real necklace all the time.
    1.Robin decided to catch the necklace in the river to _________.
    A.sell it for money B.get the reward
    C.help the businessman D.marry the girl
    2.How many times did Robin try to catch the necklace from the river?
    A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.
    3.From the story, we know the old man was __________.
    A.wise B.foolish C.strict D.modest
    4.The story wants to tell us that _________.
    A.we shouldn’t waste time catching the necklace
    B.we’d better help each other when in trouble
    C.we need to change the way of thinking sometimes
    D.we should take and follow old people’s advice
    【答案】1.B    2.B    3.A    4.C

    1.细节理解题。根据“He decided to catch it so that he could get the reward.”可知,抓住项链,这样他就可以得到奖赏,故选B。
    2.细节理解题。根据“He put his hand in the dirty river and tried to catch the necklace, but somehow missed it.”;“He tried again.”和“He decided to give it a final try.”可知,尝试了三次,故选B。
    3.推理判断题。根据“The old man then said, “Perhaps you should try looking up, towards the branches of the tree, instead of in the dirty river.”可知,老人建议罗宾抬头看看,说明老人很有智慧,故选A。
    例2 (2022·江苏盐城·统考中考真题)

    Maggie, Travis and Lucy’s science teacher set a special test for them. They had to work out different kinds of problems within limited time to get out of a locked room.
    For the past hour, Maggie, Travis and Lucy had been locked inside a room decorated like a mad scientist’s laboratory. Together they decoded(破译)a secret language and solved a difficult maths problem.
    The last challenge, however, stopped them. The key to the door was trapped in a block of ice.
    “We have to melt the ice,” Lucy said.
    “But there’s nothing hot here!” Maggie complained.
    Travis pulled off his sweatshirt and wrapped(裏)it around the ice. “This keeps me warm,” he reasoned.
    A few minutes passed by, but the ice didn’t melt.
    “Isn’t cloth an insulator(隔热材料)?” Lucy asked. She tried to remember what she had learned in science class. “Heat always flows from warm objects to cold ones. The heat in the air will eventually melt the ice, but we need to find something that will help heat move from the air to the ice more quickly.”
    “What about glass?” Maggie asked.
    “Glass is also an insulator. It keeps heat from moving,” Lucy said. Then she noticed a large metal tray(金属托盘)across the room. “This might work!”
    Lucy put the block of ice onto the tray. Everybody’s eyes moved between the clock and the ice. Would they be able to free the key in time?
    At last, the key lay in the water on the tray. The three friends rushed out of the room in the last minute.
    “We made it!” Travis cheered. “Good thing you paid attention in science class!”
    5.What final challenge did the three friends need to complete?
    A.To solve a maths problem. B.To learn a secret language.
    C.To find their science teacher. D.To get the key trapped in ice.
    6.What does Travis mean by saying “This keeps me warm”?
    A.His sweatshirt can help melt the ice. B.He dislikes his sweatshirt.
    C.His sweatshirt is of good quality. D.He wants to take off his sweatshirt.
    7.What does the underlined word “eventually” probably mean?
    A.carefully B.suddenly C.finally D.properly
    8.What’s the best title for the story?
    A.Changing Ice into Water B.Decorating the Laboratory
    C.Running away from the Room D.Preparing for a Science Class
    【答案】5.D    6.A    7.C    8.C

    5.细节理解题。根据“The last challenge, however, stopped them. The key to the door was trapped in a block of ice.”可知,孩子们遇到的最后一个挑战是拿到被冻在冰里的钥匙。故选D。
    6.词句猜测题。根据“We have to melt the ice”及“Travis pulled off his sweatshirt and wrapped(裏)it around the ice. ‘This keeps me warm,’ he reasoned.”可知,孩子们想找热的东西来融化冰,特拉维斯脱下了自己的运动衫,他强调这件运动衫可以让自己保持暖和,意在说明这件运动衫同样也可以让冰“暖和”,可以帮助融化冰。故选A。
    7.词句猜测题。根据“Heat always flows from warm objects to cold ones. The heat in the air will eventually melt the ice”可知,热量总是从温暖的物体流向寒冷的物体,空气中的热量最终会融化冰,划线部分单词意为“最终地”,与finally同义。故选C。
    8.最佳标题题。根据“They had to work out different kinds of problems within limited time to get out of a locked room.”及全文可知,本文主要讲述了三个小伙伴利用自己学过的知识突破重重关卡,最终成功走出上锁房间的故事,故“Running away from the Room”可作为本文标题。故选C。
    例3 (2022·江苏常州·统考中考真题)The Beijing 2022 Olympics was the most gender-balanced (性别平衡的) Winter Olympic Games in history, with more than 1,300 female athletes — a record number — competing at the events, making up more than 45 percent of all athletes. Here are some female athletes whose achievements in Beijing amazed the world.
    Team China’s teenage hero Gu Ailing, 18, is the youngest athlete to win three medals at a Winter Olympics. The freeski player won two gold medals and a silver in three events.
    Russia’s skating silver medalist Alexandra Trusova, 17, amazed the world with five quadruple jumps (四周跳) during free skate at the Beijing Winter Olympics. No other woman has ever finished five quadruple jumps in an Olympic competition.
    British women’s curling (冰壶) team won the country’s only gold medal by having a 10-3 win against Japan on the last day of the Beijing Winter Olympics. This was also the country’s first curling gold after 2002.
    Almida de Val, a 24-year-old Swedish IT engineer, together with her teammate, took the third place in curling mixed doubles. She took a leave from her company to take part in the Olympics.
    9.How many athletes took part in the Beijing 2022 Olympic Games?
    A.Around 1,300. B.Around 1,580. C.Around 2,880. D.Around 4,460.
    10.Who took a silver medal in the competition?
    A.Gu Ailing. B.British women’s curling team.
    C.Almida de Val. D.Almida de Val’s teammate.
    11.What do we know about Alexandra Trusova?
    A.She is the youngest athlete in the 2022 Olympic Games.
    B.She took the first place in the Beijing Winter Olympics.
    C.She worked as an IT engineer before becoming a skating player.
    D.She is the first female to complete five quadruple jumps in an Olympic competition.
    【答案】9.C    10.A    11.D

    9.推理判断题。根据“The Beijing 2022 Olympics was the most gender-balanced(性别平衡的) Winter Olympic Games in history, with more than 1,300 female athletes—a record number—competing at the events, making up more than 45 percent of all athletes.”可知,北京2022年冬奥会共有1300多名女性运动员参赛,这一数字创下纪录,占所有运动员的45%以上。所以大约有2800名运动员参赛,故选C。
    10.细节理解题。根据“The freeski player won two gold medals and a silver in three events.”可知,谷爱凌在三个项目中获得两枚金牌和一枚银牌。故选A。
    11.细节理解题。根据“Russia’s skating silver medalist Alexandra Trusova, 17, amazed the world with five quadruple jumps(四周跳) during free skate at the Beijing Winter Olympics.”可知,17岁的俄罗斯花样滑冰银牌得主亚历山德拉·特鲁索娃在北京冬奥会自由泳比赛中以五次四跳惊艳世界。故选D。
    例4 (2022·江苏镇江·统考中考真题)
    Characters: Peter; Wendy, Slightly, Nibs, the twins
    When everyone was ready, Peter knocked on the door gently.The door opened slowly, and a lady came out. It was Wendy. The boys all took off their hats “Where am I?” Wendy asked.
    Of course, Slightly was the first to get a word in.
    “Wendy lady,’’ he said quickly, “we built this house for you.’’
    “Oh, please say you like it!” cried Nibs.
    “What a lovely, lovely house,” Wendy said. The boys were delighted. “We are your children.” said the twins.
    They all lowered their knees and held out their arms.
    “Oh, Wendy lady, please be our mother!” they cried in union.
    “I would love to,” said Wendy, “but you see I am only a little girl. I have no experience of being a mother.”
    “_______” said Peter. “We just need a nice motherly person.”
    “Oh, really?” Wendy said. “I think that is exactly what I am.’’
    “It is. It is!” they all cried.
    “Very well,” she said, “I will do my best. Come inside now you naughty children. I think there’s just enough time for me to finish the story of Cinderella before I put you to bed.”
    They went in, and that was the first of the many joyful evenings they had with Wendy. By and by she made them comfortable in the big bed in their home under the trees. But she herself slept that night in the little house. Peter kept watching outside with a sword(剑), because the pirates(海盗) could be heard drinking far away, and the wolves were going about for food. The little house looked very warm and safe in the darkness. After some time, Peter fell asleep, and all was still and quiet in the Neverland.
    (adapted from Peter Pan)
    12.Which of the following is the most suitable for the blank(空格)?
    A.It’s really a pity. B.It’s my pleasure.
    C.That doesn’t matter. D.I’m sorry to hear that.
    13.According to this passage, Peter is __________.
    A.polite and brave B.curious and creative
    C.patient and practical D.modest and confident
    14.What can we learn from the passage?
    A.There was possible danger around the house.
    B.The children disliked the story told by Wendy.
    C.Peter fell asleep after he drove the pirates away.
    D.Wendy was unwilling to be the children’s mother.
    【答案】12.C    13.A    14.A

    12.推理判断题。根据“said Peter. “We just need a nice motherly person.” ”可知,这里应该是Peter说的话,结合“but you see I am only a little girl. I have no experience of being a mother.”可知,此处应该是对Wendy说“没有做母亲的经验也没有关系”,故选C。
    13.推理判断题。根据“Peter knocked on the door gently”可知,Peter是有礼貌的;结合“Peter kept watching outside with a sword(剑), because the pirates(海盗) could be heard drinking far away, and the wolves were going about for food.”可知,面对这样的危险情景,Peter却没有畏惧,说明他是勇敢的,故选A。
    14.推理判断题。根据“Peter kept watching outside with a sword(剑), because the pirates(海盗) could be heard drinking far away, and the wolves were going about for food.”可知,房子周围可能有危险,故选A。
    例5 (2022·江苏常州·统考中考真题)This is a typical(典型的) day for Yang Jinlong.
    At 9 a. m. , he drives to primary schools and middle schools in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, to teach students about Shaanxi kuaiban. It is a traditional Chinese form of storytelling to the rhythm(节奏) of bamboo clappers(响板), which the art form is named after. Sometimes, he helps students prepare for competitions. Usually, his classes run until about 6. p.m. , and then he returns home to prepare classes for the next day.
    On June 10, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced 325 national intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产) items in Beijing, increasing the list to 1, 557 items. Shaanxi kuaiban, which appeared during the late Qing Dynasty, has been included. The art form has been introduced to local schools as part of their art education.
    Yang has been teaching young people the art form since 2003 after graduating from the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts in Beijing. He studied quyi there. Quyi is general term for Chinese folk art forms, including storytelling, crosstalk and clapper talk.
    “Art education is important for students in China. Just as many students learn to play Western musical instruments like the piano and violin, there are many people learning traditional Chinese folk arts, including Shaanxi kuaiban, which I’ll work for my whole life,” he said.
    Kuaiban is popular in northern China, including Beijing and Tianjin. According to Yang, Shaanxi kuaiban was influenced by the art of different areas. The art form can be played by a group of players or only one. With one or two pairs of kuaiban of different sizes in hand, the players speak in the local dialect(方言) while telling stories, which are usually about heroes. The player tells stories while playing kuaiban, and it’s easy for the watchers to remember the stories since all the lines rhym.
    Thanks to artists like Yang, this traditional Chinese form of storytelling is passed on and stays alive in our country.
    15.Why is today a typical day for Yang Jinlong?
    A.He is teaching students about kuaiban as usual.
    B.His work starts at 9 and lasts 6 hours like every day.
    C.He is preparing for a kuaiban competition today.
    D.His life today is as busy and boring as every day.
    16.Which of the following about Shaanxi kuaiban is TRUE?
    A.It is named after the Shaanxi dialect.
    B.It is listed in the national intangible cultural heritage.
    C.It is more popular than the piano and violin in northern China.
    D.It is played to tell stories usually about common people.
    17.Which of the following best describes Yang Jinlong?
    A.Devoted. B.Stressed. C.Generous. D.Curious.
    18.Why does the writer report Yang Jinlong’s story?
    A.To show how to play Shaanxi kuaiban in the local dialect.
    B.To tell the difference between Chinese and Western arts.
    C.To prove that kuaiban players are living a busy life.
    D.To praise the work of spreading traditional Chinese art.
    【答案】15.A    16.B    17.A    18.D

    15.细节理解题。根据“At 9 a. m. , he drives to primary schools and middle schools in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, to teach students about Shaanxi kuaiban”可知,因为他和往常一样去教学生快板,故选A。
    16.细节理解题。根据“On June 10, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced 325 national intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产) items in Beijing, increasing the list to 1, 557 items. Shaanxi kuaiban, which appeared during the late Qing Dynasty, has been included”可知,陕西快板被列为国家级非物质文化遗产,故选B。
    17.推理判断题。根据“including Shaanxi kuaiban, which I’ll work for my whole life”及“Thanks to artists like Yang, this traditional Chinese form of storytelling is passed on and stays alive in our country”可知,杨金龙将为快板奉献一生,他也将中国文化传递下去,由此可推断他是有奉献精神的,故选A。
    18.推理判断题。根据“Thanks to artists like Yang, this traditional Chinese form of storytelling is passed on and stays alive in our country”可知,作者想通过杨金龙通过教授学生快板来传递中国文化的故事,来赞扬传播中国传统艺术的作品,故选D。
    例6 (2022·江苏徐州·统考中考真题)Peter loves baseball. Last summer, he helped coach a school baseball team. When he first watched the team of 12-year-olds play baseball, his first impressions were not really positive.
    One player often left as soon as they started losing. Another player paid too much attention to all their mistakes during the game. Other boys preferred to dig up the grass when they weren’t in the play. A lot of boys threw their baseball bats when they lost the catch.
    While their baseball skills improved over time with more practice, there were still problems with their all-important character. The team had a long way to go. For example, some boys were hard on those who made mistakes. Instead of being supportive or encouraging, they blamed (责怪) each other.
    Peter started one-on-one talks with each player to discuss things that he had noticed. Some were about skills like holding the bat up higher or opening their eyes when they were making a catch. But most were about staying positive and supporting each other.
    Slowly things began to change. The boys began to take the duties for their play instead of blaming others for mistakes. They stayed optimistic even when losing. The team culture was improving.
    Players began encouraging each other, high-fiving and supporting teammates. Peter was especially pleased to see some of the boys taking leadership roles and having their own one-on-one talks with their teammates.
    Peter doesn’t think he made huge progress in teaching the boys how to throw, catch or hit better, but he was pleased that their conversations around character led to something positive. Although the team still lost games, the players had stronger characters. Next season, their characters will be tested again.
    19.When did Peter begin to help coach a school baseball team?
    A.Last spring. B.Last summer. C.Last autumn. D.Last winter.
    20.Paragraph 2 mainly tells us that the players had problems with their ________.
    A.baseball skills B.baseball bats C.characters D.training
    21.What does the underlined word “optimistic” in Paragraph 5 mean?
    A.精益求精的 B.吹毛求疵的 C.悲观的 D.乐观的
    22.What can we infer from the passage?
    A.Peter’s efforts for the team work.
    B.The team will win the next season.
    C.The coach of the team wants to leave.
    D.They’ll be many fights among the boys.
    【答案】19.B    20.C    21.D    22.A

    19.细节理解题。根据“Last summer, he helped coach a school baseball team.”可知,去年夏天Peter开始帮助指导学校棒球队。故选B。
    20.推理判断题。根据“One player often left as soon as they started losing. Another player paid too much attention to all their mistakes during the game. Other boys preferred to dig up the grass when they weren’t in the play. A lot of boys threw their baseball bats when they lost the catch.”可推理出,第二段主要告诉我们球员的性格有问题。故选C。
    21.词句猜测题。根据“The boys began to take the duties for their play instead of blaming others for mistakes. They stayed optimistic even when losing. The team culture was improving.”可知,团队文化正在改善,可推测出此处是指即使输了,还是保持“乐观的”。故选D。
    22.推理判断题。通读全文可知,尤其是最后一段“Peter doesn’t think he made huge progress in teaching the boys how to throw, catch or hit better...the players had stronger characters. Next season, their characters will be tested again.”可知,此处是在描述Peter为团队工作所做的努力。故选A。
    例7 (2022·江苏无锡·统考中考真题)Lupe Medrano, a shy girl, was a straight-A student. Though Lupe had a sharp mind, she could not, no matter how much she tried, run as fast as the other girls. The truth was that Lupe was no good in sports.    
    “I’ll never be good at sports.” She felt angry one rainy day as she lay on her bed, looking at the shelf her father had made to hold her awards. “I wish I could win something, anything, even marble(弹珠).”
    At the word “marbles”, she sat up. “That’s it. Maybe I could be good at playing marbles, and marbles is a sport.” She rushed out of her room and found the marbles in her brother’s room.
    She practiced shooting softly at first. The marble rolled from her thumb(拇指) and clicked against the targeted(作为目标的) marble. But the target wouldn’t budge. She tried again and again, but the power from her thumb made the targeted marble roll only an inch or two.
    She realized her thumb was weak and then decided to squeeze(捏) a rubber eraser one hundred times, hoping it would strengthen her thumb.
    The weeks passed quickly. Lupe worked so hard that one day, while she was drying dishes, her mother asked why her thumb was swollen(肿胀的).
    “It’s muscle,” Lupe explained, “I’ve been practicing for the marbles championship.”
    “You, honey?” Her mother, Mrs. Medrano, knew Lupe was no good in sports.
    “Yeah, I beat Alfonso, and he’s pretty good.”
    When her father, Mr. Medrano, heard this, he was very happy and encouraged Lupe.
    Practice, practice, practice. Lupe got better and better. Then the day of the championship came. She beat her first competitor easily, and won one marble, and then one after another. At last, Lupe was in the final to play against a girl in a baseball cap. The girl never even looked at Lupe.
    “I don’t know, Dad. She looks tough.”
    “You can do it,” her father encouraged. “Just think of the marbles, not the girl, and let your thumb do the work.”
    It was a tough fight. But finally Lupe won the most marbles and became the winner!
    “I did it!” Lupe said under her breath. She rose from her knees, which hurt from bending all day, and hugged her father.
    Back home, in her own bedroom, she was happy. She had always won praise because of her brains, but winning in sports was a new experience. She thanked her tired thumb. “You did it, thumb. You made me champion.” As its reward, Lupe went to the bathroom, filled the bathroom sink with warm water, and let her thumb swim as it pleased. Then she climbed into bed and fell into her sweet dreams.
    23.What does the underlined word “budge” mean in this story?
    A.Jump. B.Spin. C.Float. D.Move.
    24.How did Lupe feel when she saw the girl in a baseball cap?
    A.Sad. B.Ashamed. C.Curious. D.Worried.
    25.Which is the best title for this story?
    A.The Thumb. B.A Sharp Mind.
    C.The Marbles. D.A New Experience.
    【答案】23.D    24.D    25.C

    【导语】本文主要讲述了一个害羞的女孩Lupe Medrano学习弹珠的故事。
    23.词句猜测题。根据“She practiced shooting softly at first. The marble rolled from her thumb(拇指) and clicked against the targeted(作为目标的) marble. But the target wouldn’t budge.”可知,起初,她轻轻地弹。弹珠从她的拇指上滚下来,在目标弹珠上发出咔嗒声。但目标弹珠没有移动。budge此处与move意思一致,表示“移动”。故选D。
    24.推理判断题。根据“I don’t know, Dad. She looks tough.”可知,此时Lupe觉得对手有点强,所以应该是有些担忧。故选D。
    25.最佳标题题。本文主要讲述了一个害羞的女孩Lupe Medrano学习弹珠的故事。C选项“弹珠”符合题意。故选C。

    记叙文四要素:人物 时间 地点 事件( 起因 经过 结果)



    1)读题 (题目中定关键词)

    2)定位 (文章中找关键词)





    【变式1】(2022·江苏无锡·校考二模)I had failed again. It was the day of the big marathon. I had decided three years ago to train for the half-marathon event and take home a medal. There I sat, in front of my TV, while I watched others cross the finish line. It was just another in a long string (串) of failures. I had never met a single weight loss or fitness goal and I was majoring in the art of failing.
    We are a family of exploration and often plan active vacations. It seemed that on every vacation I was the one who couldn’t go the distance. Each time I urged (催促) my family, “Go without me. Bring me lots of pictures and videos. I’ll be fine just sitting here taking in the view. I lied. Sick of being blind, I decided that it would never happen again. Surely I was in my 50s, but surely there was still hope for me. I always spent weeks walking to prepare for our active vacations. I had lost weight many times. I just always seemed to fail to get where I needed to be.
    But this time I would do something different. I was going to walk a half marathon. Surely I would lose weight and get in shape if I could complete over 12 miles in four hours. Besides, this would be training. Training sounded cooler than diet and exercise. I was revved up and ready to go. I bought the proper gear (装备), checked out what type of drinks would be handed out at the marathon and prepared a lot. I had a plan!
    Now two years later, there I sat, watching thousands of people of all ages succeed where I had failed. I walked out, angry with myself, sat down and had myself a pity party. I was a master at the art of pity parties, having a great deal of experience in holding them. What was my problem? Where was I going wrong? I stopped and considered each failure, one by one. I made some very interesting discoveries.
    I had failed to climb to the top of that Mayan pyramid, but I did climb it and stood on those ancient stones.1 had failed to meet a single weight loss goal and yet I had lost 43 pounds. I couldn’t walk 12 miles in four hours, but I could walk 12 miles.
    All my failures were sounding like a success story. This time was giving thanks. I was thankful that I had been given the spirit of failure because failure meant that I was trying, that I didn’t give up. I decided that I would be crossing the finish line next year.
    26.What can you learn from the passage?
    A.The writer didn’t lose any weight in the end.
    B.The writer didn’t climb the Mayan pyramid.
    C.The writer didn’t take part in the big marathon.
    D.The writer didn’t have holidays with his family.
    27.What does the underlined sentence “I was revved up.” probably mean?
    A.I got excited. B.I felt moved. C.I was pushed. D.I was chosen.
    28.Which words can best describe the writer in the passage?
    A.Clever and friendly. B.Interesting and proud.
    C.Humorous and hopeful. D.Kind and strong-willed.
    【答案】26.C    27.A    28.C

    26.推理判断题。根据“It was the day of the big marathon. I had decided three years ago to train for the half-marathon event and take home a medal. There I sat, in front of my TV, while I watched others cross the finish line.”可知作者是坐在电视机前看着别人通过终点线,由此可推知作者没有参加马拉松。故选C。
    27.词句猜测题。根据“Training sounded cooler than diet and exercise. I was revved up and ready to go”可知训练听起来比饮食和锻炼更酷,所以作者很兴奋,故此句意为“我很兴奋”。故选A。
    Buck did not read the newspapers, or he would know that trouble was coming. In fact, trouble was on its way for every strong dog with warm long hair. This was because men, going through the Arctic (北极) darkness, had discovered a yellow metal—gold. And because shipping and transportation companies were advertising the discovery, thousands of men were rushing into the Northland. These men wanted heavy dogs with strong muscles for working and thick coats to protect them from the cold.
    Buck lived at Judge Miller’s house in the sunny-kissed Santa Clara Valley. There were big stables (马厩), long grape fields, fruit gardens and a big swimming pool. Buck ruled over the whole kingdom. Here he was born and here he had lived the four years of his life. He protected the judge’s sons and daughters on long midnight or early morning walks. On cold winter nights, he lay at the judge’s feet in front of the warm library fire. He was the king—King over everything at Judge Miller’s place, including humans.
    Buck was this kind of dog in the autumn of 1897, when the discovery of gold in the Klondike pulled men from all over the world into the frozen North. But Buck did not read the newspapers. He did not know that Manuel, one of the gardener’s helpers, was not to be trusted. Manuel loved to gamble (赌博). He believed he could win, but he was doomed (注定) to failure.
    On the night of Manuel’s betrayal (背叛), no one saw him and Buck go off through the fields. Buck imagined it to be a relaxing walk. They arrived at a little train. A man talked with Manuel and money was passed between them. Manuel tied a piece of thick rope around Buck’s neck. Buck accepted it quietly. To be sure, it was unwanted, but Buck had learned to trust the men he knew. However, when the ends of the rope were placed in the stranger’s hands, he barked. Then the rope tightened (收紧) painfully, his tongue hanging out of his mouth. Then his strength disappeared, his eyes grew dim (模糊的), and he knew nothing when the train pulled up. Two men threw him into the luggage van.
    29.Why were thousands of men rushing into the Northland?
    A.Because they might discover gold there.
    B.Because they could live a better life there.
    C.Because they could find the dogs that they needed there.
    D.Because they wanted to enjoy the beautiful views there.
    30.Which description about Buck is NOT true according to the story?
    A.The judge’s family betrayed him, so he ran away quietly.
    B.He had lived in Judge Miller’s house since he was born.
    C.Life before the autumn of 1897 was enjoyable for him.
    D.Manuel could take him out of Miller’s house because he trusted Manuel.
    31.The trouble Buck didn’t know at first is that ______ .
    A.he did not read the newspapers
    B.Judge Miller would ask someone to send Buck away
    C.men wanted heavy dogs to work for them in the cold areas
    D.Manuel was doomed to lose money when gambling
    32.Buck was finally thrown into the luggage van because of ______ betrayal.
    A.Judge Miller’s B.Manuel’s C.the gardener’s helpers’ D.his own
    33.The story is mainly about ___________ .
    A.animals’ trust in humans B.people’s discovery of gold
    C.Buck’s early life at Judge Miller’s house D.the turning point of Buck’s life
    【答案】29.A    30.A    31.C    32.B    33.D

    29.细节理解题。根据“This was because men, going through the Arctic (北极) darkness, had discovered a yellow metal—gold”可知人们去北部是因为他们可能在那里发现了黄金。故选A。
    30.推理判断题。根据“Then the rope tightened (收紧) painfully, his tongue hanging out of his mouth”可知绳子紧紧地拉紧,他的舌头从嘴里伸出来,由此可见Buck是被暴力掳走的,选项A“法官的家人背叛了他,所以他悄悄地逃跑了”描述错误。故选A。
    31.细节理解题。根据“Buck did not read the newspapers, or he would know that trouble was coming…These men wanted heavy dogs with strong muscles for working and thick coats to protect them from the cold”可知Buck刚开始不知道的麻烦是人们想要大型狗在寒冷的地区为他们工作。故选C。
    32.细节理解题。根据“On the night of Manuel’s betrayal”可知Buck遭到了Manuel的背叛。故选B。
    A Farewell SongWang Wei

    ①No dust is raised on the road wet with morning ▲
    ②The willows by the hotel look so fresh and green.
    ③I invite you to drink a cup of wine again.
    ④West of the sunny pass no more friends will be seen.
    (Translated by Xu Yuanchong)
    With the temperature rising, spring is a good time to go out and travel far away. Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei bid farewell to his friend in this season. The poem A Farewell Song describes his experience.On a spring morning, Wang has to say goodbye to his friend—Yuan Er who would leave for a faraway place called Anxi, in today’s Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region. Wang hopes that his friend Yuan will safely return from Anxi, although he knows that they might not see each other again. Even with this knowledge, the poet is not willing to show much sorrow or sadness for Yuan’s departure(离开). Instead, he wants to take the time to treasure their friendship and invites Yuan to drink a cup of wine. In the poem, Wang uses the skill of exchanging roles. On the surface, the poet says goodbye to his friend. But the fact is that the two likely have no chance to see each other again. So it is that Yuan says goodbye to the poet as well.
    Wang Wei is considered one of the greatest poets of the Tang Dynasty, along with Du Fu and Li Bai. Of the three, Wang Wei was the only one who had a successful career in the bureaucracy(官场). When he was free, he spent much time in the countryside thinking about nature. Wang is best known for describing quiet scenes of water and mist, with few details and little human presence. He has been praised for “putting painting into his poetry and poetry into his painting.”
    34.Which word can be put in ▲ ?
    A.fog B.wind C.rain D.sun
    35.In A Farewell Song, which sentences point out the place and time of farewell?
    A.②③ B.②④ C.①② D.③④
    36.What did Wang Wei express by writing this poem?
    A.His happiness of enjoying the scene. B.His greetings to his friend.
    C.His sadness of departure. D.His wish for his friend.
    37.What can we learn about Wang Wei according to the passage?
    A.He didn’t feel very sad about Yuan’s departure.
    B.He was a great success in both work and poetry.
    C.He is best known for describing humans with rich details.
    D.He enjoyed writing poems and painting at the same time.
    【答案】34.C    35.C    36.C    37.D

    34.细节理解题。根据“No dust is raised on the road wet”可知,路湿了,应是早晨的雨把路面弄湿的,故选C。
    35.细节理解题。诗第一句中“morning”指出了时间,诗第二句中“by the hotel”可知指出了地点。故选C。
    36.细节理解题。根据“the poet is not willing to show much sorrow or sadness for Yuan’s departure(离开). Instead, he wants to take the time to treasure their friendship and invites Yuan to drink a cup of wine.”可知,王维写这首诗表达了他对朋友的依依惜别之情。故选C。
    37.细节理解题。根据“He has been praised for ‘putting painting into his poetry and poetry into his painting.’”可知,王维喜欢同时写诗和绘画。故选D。
    【变式4】(2022·江苏淮安·校考一模)Soon they were at a dark stone fortress. There was an old wooden door. Sarah pushed it and it creaked open.
    “Good luck!” said Tim as the children went in. It was dark inside and very cold. They looked at each other and shivered. There was water running down the walls and the children could hear someone crying. They walked towards the sound and soon they found the Lord of Tears. He was dressed in black and his head was just like a skull (头骨). And he had huge empty eyes. Big tears were running out of his eyes and down his skull. The floor was all wet.
    “Soon there will be only tears in the world,” the Lord of Tears whispered,“and I will be everywhere.” The children looked at the water around them. It was rising quickly. “Let’s play our flutes (长笛),” said Sarah. “Maybe music will stop him.” And they took out their flutes and started playing. First, the tears stopped and then the Lord of Tears fell asleep.
    Behind the Lord of Tears chair they saw a mirror. Ben looked into it. He saw his smiling face. “Why are you smiling?” Sarah asked. “I’m not smiling,” he said, “the face in the mirror is smiling.”
    “This must be-the Mirror of Smiles,” said Sarah.
    Suddenly the Lord of Tears was moving again. Sarah took the mirror and held it in front of the Lord’s face. When he opened his eyes, he looked straight into the mirror. In it the skull was smiling a terrible smile. Suddenly the children could hear empty laughter coming from the skull.The Lord of Tears laughed and laughed until his skull broke into a thousand pieces.
    (Adapted from The Lost Smile)
    38.What was the Lord of Tears like?
    A.He was dressed in white. B.His head was just like a skull.
    C.He had small empty eyes. D.His tears were small and black.
    39.The Lord of Tears stopped crying and fell asleep because of ________.
    A.the music B.the chair C.the mirror D.the tears
    40.What was the magic of the Mirror of Smiles?
    A.It could make people open their eyes. B.It could make people look straight into it.
    C.It could make people see their smiling faces. D.It could break people’s head into a thousand pieces.
    【答案】38.B    39.A    40.C

    38.细节理解题。根据“He was dressed in black and his head was just like a skull (头骨).”可知,他的头就像个骷髅头。故选B。
    39.细节理解题。根据“And they took out their flutes and started playing. First, the tears stopped and then the Lord of Tears fell asleep.”可知,眼泪之王因为音乐而停止哭泣,睡着了。故选A。
    40.细节理解题。根据“He saw his smiling face.”以及““This must be-the Mirror of Smiles,” said Sarah.”可知,微笑之镜的魔力是它可以让人们看到他们的笑脸。故选C。
    【变式5】(2022·江苏南通·校考模拟预测)Me: Hello, Television Viewers! I am Aziza Bellamy, and thanks for watching. I want to especially thank you, Ms. Bertha, for agreeing to this interview on live television. It’s a pleasure to meet you, the first-known trans-galactic visitor to Earth. Now, I understand that you are from a planet called Zadernol?
    Bertha: Just call me Miss Bertha or Bertha, please, but not “Ms.”
    Me: Okay, sorry about that. So, you’ve been on Earth for about a week now. What have been your biggest disappointments or challenges so far?
    Bertha: It’s not the worst planet I’ve ever been to. Mercury was much worse. The aliens— oops, I mean humans, have been unkind, overall. The family I’m staying with, for example, were nice at first. But now they roll their eyes whenever I open my mouth to say anything. They’re not interested in any of my stories. And I think they may be trying to avoid me. Worst of all, they make me wash my own dishes and bathe myself. They’re so rude.
    Me: Oh um. . . wow. That’s just. . .
    Bertha: I am used to having high standards when I choose where to stay, by the way. I have stayed with royalty and presidents on other planets. And they all adored (崇拜) me and begged me not to leave. But I gave this human family a chance to host me. I mean, really, they should be grateful that I selected them, of all the people on Earth, to wash my clothes and cook my meals and entertain (款待) me.
    Me: Well what you’re saying is surprising, Bertha. Do you think it’s possible that this family just wants you to pitch in a little, to be a good guest?
    Bertha: It’s odd to me that you’re not agreeing with me. If you were smarter, you’d agree with me. That’s another thing. Everyone on Zadernol is smarter than the smartest person on Earth. Earth is below me.
    Me: You know what. Bertha? I’m starting to see why you’re so unhappy here on Earth. You’re just a boastful (自夸的), spoiled alien.
    41.Which of the following sentences from the passage is an opinion?
    A.Well, what you’re saying is surprising, Bertha.
    B.So, you’ve been on Earth for about a week now.
    C.I have stayed with royalty and presidents on other planets.
    D.But now they roll their eyes whenever I open my mouth to say anything.
    42.From the passage, we know that Aziza is ________.
    A.proud of Bertha B.interested in Zademol
    C.dissatisfied with Bertha D.scared of Bertha’s words
    43.What might Aziza write in his diary about the interview?
    A.Talking to Bertha was great fun. I now know much about Zademol.
    B.We should try to improve our earth as Berthas hometown is much better.
    C.The interview was interesting. But I dislike the family Bertha is staying with.
    D.It was an unusual interview, and an unexpected experience as well.
    44.We can learn from the passage that ________.
    A.being boastful will win us few friends B.there are many good reasons to be boastful
    C.people who boast a lot are better than others D.boasting a lot is a good way to get people to like us
    【答案】41.A    42.C    43.D    44.A

    41.细节理解题。根据“I am used to having high standards when I choose where to stay...to wash my clothes and cook my meals and entertain me”可知,前文外星人伯莎表明了自己的观点,后文主持人的话“Well what you’re saying is surprising, Bertha.”对外星人的发言作出了评价,这句话属于主持人的观点。故选A。
    42.推理判断题。根据 “You know what. Bertha? I’m starting to see why you’re so unhappy here on Earth. You’re just a boastful, spoiled alien”可知,主持人对Bertha很不满意。故选C。
    43.推理判断题。伯莎没有讲述自己星球的生活,A选项“I now know much about Zademol”表述错误;B选项“We should try to improve our earth”文中没有明确的线索,表述错误;根据“Do you think it’s possible that this family just wants you to pitch in a little, to be a good guest”可知C选项“I dislike the family Bertha is staying with”表述错误。根据“what you’re saying is surprising, Bertha.”“It’s odd to me that you’re not agreeing with me.”以及“I’m starting to see why you’re so unhappy here on Earth. You’re just a boastful , spoiled alien”可知主持人觉得和一个外星人访谈是很不寻常的与预料之外的经历。故选D。
    44.推理判断题。根据“You’re just a boastful, spoiled alien”可知Bertha的自夸让主持人很不满,A选项“自夸让人没什么朋友”符合题意。故选A。
    【变式6】(2022·江苏镇江·统考模拟预测)Bertie was sad for weeks, months after the lion died. There was nothing I could do to cheer him or even console(安慰) him. He would sit for hours in his room, or go off on long walks all on his own. He seemed to shut away inside himself, so distant. Try as I did, I could not reach him.
    ①Then one day I was in the kitchen here, when I saw him hurrying down the hill, waving his stick and shouting for me. “I’ve got it,” he cried. as he came in, “I’ve got it at last.” He showed me the end of his stick. It was white. “See that, Millie?” “Chalk! It’s chalk underneath, isn’t it?”
    “So?” I said.
    “You know the famous White Horse on the hillside at Uffington, the one they carved out of the chalk a thousand years ago? That horse never died, did it? It’s still alive, isn’t it? Well, that’s what we’re going to do, so he will never be forgotten. We’ll carve The White Prince out on the hillside—he’ll be there forever, and he’ll be white forever too.”
    “It’ll take a bit of time, won’t it?” I said.
    “We’ve got plenty, haven’t we?” he replied, with the same smile he had smiled at me when he was a ten-year-old boy asking me if he could come back and mend my kite for me.
    ② Every spare hour we had, we were up there scraping(刨土) away with spades(铲子), and we had buckets(桶) to carry away the earth. It was hard, back-breaking work, but it was a labour of love. We did it, Bertie and I, we did it together-paws, claws, tail, mane, until he was complete and perfect in every detail.
    ③It was just after we’d finished that the butterflies first came. We noticed that when the sun comes out after the rain, in the summer, the butterflies-Adonis Blues, they are, I looked them up-come out to drink on the chalk face. Then The White Prince becomes a butterfly lion, and breathes again like a living creature.
    ④So now you know how Bertie’s white lion became The White Prince and how The White Prince became our butterfly lion.
    (Adapted from The Butterfly Lion)
    45.The sentence “It took the next twenty years to do it. ” should be put at the beginning of one paragraph. Where should we put it?
    A.① B.② C.③ D.④
    46.The underlined word “he” in Paragraph 4 refers to(指代) ________.
    A.Bertie B.butterfly C.the white lion D.the White Horse
    47.The correct time order of the events about the story is ________
    a.    The lion died and Bertie was sad.
    b.    Butterflies flew to the chalk face.
    c.    Bertie decided to carve the lion on the hillside.
    d.    Bertie and Millie spent all the spare time carving.
    A.a-c-d-b B.a-d-b-c C.d-a-b-c D.c-b-a-d
    48.Millie told the story to express ________.
    A.how Bertie carved the lion
    B.how Bertie cheered up
    C.how much Bertie loved the lion
    D.how Bertie found the White Horse
    【答案】45.B    46.C    47.A    48.C

    45.推理判断题。根据“It’ll take a bit of time, won’t it?”(这需要一点时间,不是吗)、“We’ve got plenty, haven’t we?”(我们有很多,不是吗)结合“Every spare hour we had, we were up there scraping(刨土) away with spades(铲子), and we had buckets(桶) to carry away the earth.”(我们每有一个空余时间,就在上面用铲子铲土,我们有水桶来运走泥土。)可知他们雕刻The White Prince用了很长时间,“It took the next twenty years to do it”和此处联系紧密,故选B。
    46.词句猜测题。根据“We’ll carve The White Prince out on the hillside--he’ll be there forever, and he’ll be white forever too”(我们将把白马王子刻在山坡上——他永远在那里,他也永远是白色的)可知他计划根据白马的形象雕刻白狮子,he指代的是“白狮子”。故选C。
    47.细节理解题。根据故事内容:先是“Bertie was sad for weeks, months after the lion died”(狮子死后几个月,伯蒂伤心了好几个星期);然后决定雕刻白狮子“We’ll carve The White Prince out on the hillside—he’ll be there foreve”(我们将把白马王子刻在山坡上——他永远在那里);这项工作用了近20年的时间“It took the next twenty years to do it. Every spare hour we had, we were up there scraping(刨土) away with spades(铲子), and we had buckets(桶) to carry away the earth.”(我们每有一个空余时间,就在上面用铲子铲土,我们有水桶来运走泥土);他们刚做完,蝴蝶就来了“the butterflies...come out to drink on the chalk face”(蝴蝶出来在粉笔脸上喝水)。可知a-c-d-b顺序正确,故选A。
    48.推理判断题。通读全文尤其根据第一段“Bertie was sad for weeks, months after the lion died. There was nothing I could do to cheer him or even console(安慰) him. He would sit for hours in his room, or go off on long walks all on his own.”以及倒数第二段“We noticed that when the sun comes out after the rain, in the summer, the butterflies-Adonis Blues, they are, I looked them up-come out to drink on the chalk face. Then The White Prince becomes a butterfly lion, and breathes again like a living creature.”可知伯蒂十分喜爱这头白狮子,故选C。
    【变式7】(2022·江苏镇江·统考二模)① British gourmet Fuchsia Dunlop’s posts (帖子) on Wechat or Instagram, serve up a diet of humor. Most of the posts are about her experience with food from around the world. But since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out in London in February, 2020, cooking has becoming a way for her to manage the “endless lockdown”. She says she cooks in a very relaxed way, going to the farmers’ market at the weekend to buy seasonal products for everyday cooking—a mixture of Jiangnan, Hunan, Guangdong, and Sichuan dishes.
    ②“For me, there are so many wonderful things about Chinese food. The thing that I find is greatest about it is that you can eat food that is both really delicious and incredibly healthy,” Dunlop says. “The Chinese are experts at cooking vegetables, so it is very easy for me to eat Chinese food almost every day.”
    ③ Growing up in Oxford, Dunlop dreamed of becoming a cook when she was little. However, her dream did not start to materialize until she came to Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province, as a university student in 1994. That was when she began learning local cooking skills at the Sichuan Higher Institute of Cuisine.
    ④ Always keeping a notebook on hand wherever she went, she wrote down the recipes of the dishes she tasted. Based on her knowledge of Sichuan cuisine, Dunlop published her first book, Sichuan Cookery, in 2001, which was hailed by the Observer Food Monthly as “one of the top 10 cookbooks of all time”.
    ⑤ Since then, she has published four books about Sichuan cuisine, and one in 2016 about recipes from Jiangnan, called Land of Fish and Rice.
    ⑥Now, a Chinese version of Land of Fish and Rice, translated by He Yujia, is available. In the book, Dunlop displays her deep understanding of the food culture that runs deep in the blood of Chinese people.
    ⑦ Having studied Chinese food culture for nearly twenty years, she sees the Jiangnan area as the heartland of the nation’s gastronomy.
    ⑧“Although you have really interesting and delicious food all over China, in this area, especially, many people wrote about it and discussed it. Many of the old classic food books came from this area, for example. So if you talk about gastronomy, then Jiangnan is a really important area,” she says.
    ⑨Dunlop spent 10 years researching the book.
    49.According to the passage, which of the following words is wrongly explained?
    A.The word “gourmet” means “a person who knows a lot about good food”.
    B.The word “materialize” means “come true, take place”.
    C.The word “hailed” means “ thought little of, laughed at”.
    D.The word “gastronomy” means “the art of cooking and eating good food”.
    50.According to the passage, what do we know about Fuchsia Dunlop?
    A.She prefers supermarkets for shopping food to farmers’ markets.
    B.Her interest and hard work are the main reasons for her achievements.
    C.She never thought about being a cook until she came to China.
    D.She thinks people in the Jiangnan area cook the best food in China.
    51.What’s the main idea of Paragraph 7 and Paragraph 8?
    A.Dunlop has studied Chinese food culture for a long time.
    B.There’s interesting and delicious food all over China.
    C.Many people talked and wrote about food in Jiangnan.
    D.The Jiangnan area is the heartland of China’s gastronomy.
    52.What may be written about if the writer continues the writing?
    A.Why Jiangnan is the heartland of China’s gastronomy.
    B.How Dunlop did research for the book Land of Fish and Rice.
    C.How successful and popular the book Land of Fish and Rice is.
    D.What contributions Dunlop has made to Chinese food culture.
    【答案】49.C    50.B    51.D    52.B

    49.词义猜测题。根据第四段“Based on her knowledge of Sichuan cuisine, Dunlop published her first book, Sichuan Cookery, in 2001, which was hailed by the Observer Food Monthly as ‘one of the top 10 cookbooks of all time’.”可知,基于对川菜的了解,邓洛普于2001年出版了她的第一本书《四川烹饪》,被《观察家饮食月刊》誉为“史上十大烹饪书之一”。“hail”的含义为“praise publicly”,而不是“thought little of, laughed at”,C项表述有误,故选C。
    50.推理判断题。根据“Always keeping a notebook on hand wherever she went, she wrote down the recipes of the dishes she tasted.”和“Having studied Chinese food culture for nearly twenty years ...”可推知,邓洛普的兴趣和努力是她取得成就的主要原因。故选B。
    51.主旨大意题。根据第七段“she sees the Jiangnan area as the heartland of the nation’s gastronomy”和第八段“So if you talk about gastronomy, then Jiangnan is a really important area”可知,这两段都是论述中国江南地区是中国美食的中心地带。故选D。
    52.推理判断题。根据第六段“Now, a Chinese version of Land of Fish and Rice, translated by He Yujia, is available. In the book, Dunlop displays her deep understanding of the food culture that runs deep in the blood of Chinese people.”和最后一段“Dunlop spent 10 years researching the book.”可推知,接下将介绍邓洛普是如何研究《鱼米之乡》这本书的。故选B。
    【变式8】(2022·江苏连云港·统考二模)Beauty took White Fang back to his hut(小屋). Every day, he gave the dog a beating. These beatings were the worst that White Fang had ever had. Beauty enjoyed hurting the dog. He liked giving an animal pain. He was a very ugly, bad man.
    White Fang tried to run away and return to Gray Beaver. One night, he was able to bite through the rope that held him. He ran to Gray Beaver’s tent. He hoped Gray Beaver would save him from Beauty, but Gray Beaver took him back to his new owner. Beauty beat White Fang more severely(严重地)than anyone had even beaten him before. White Fang was half blind and could hardly walk after he was beaten. Gray Beaver had been a nice god to White Fang. Beauty was a mad god.
    Almost beaten to death daily by this bad man, White Fang became more and more dangerous to other dogs. He was even dangerous to other men and had to be tied up all the time. Beauty used White Fang as a fighting dog. He became famous as “The Fighting Wolf”, and men came from near and far to watch him fight other dogs. Beauty charged(收……费)men to see him but gave him no rest.
    After a time, the other men stopped letting White Fang fight their dogs. They knew their dogs would lose. Beauty had to get wolves for White Fang to fight. One day, White Fang had to fight a lynx(猞猁), which nearly killed him. It took him a long time to heal(康复)and he did not fight again until a man brought a bulldog to the town.                                     
    —Taken from White Fang
    53.Which is the correct time order of the things below?
    a. White Fang became “The Fighting Wolf”.
    b. Beauty took White Fang to his hut but treated him badly.
    c. White Fang ran to Gray Beaver for help but was taken back.
    d. White Fang got severely hurt by a lynx.
    A.c—a—b—d B.c—b—a—d C.b—c—a—d D.b—a—d—c
    54.How might White Fang feel when Gray Beaver took him back to Beauty?
    A.Excited. B.Bored. C.Joyful. D.Hopeless.
    55.Why did White Fang become more dangerous?
    A.Because he had grown up into a strong wolf.
    B.Because Beauty trained him to be dangerous.
    C.Because he wanted to satisfy his new owner.
    D.Because he felt no love and started hating others.
    56.According to the passage, what can we know about Beauty?
    A.He liked raising dogs and taking care of them.
    B.He was very good at training dogs how to fight.
    C.He was a man who was just the opposite of his name.
    D.He invited people to watch White Fang fight just for fun.
    【答案】53.C    54.D    55.D    56.C

    【导语】本文主要讲述了White Fang的故事。
    53.细节理解题。根据第一段“Beauty took White Fang back to his hut. Every day, he gave the dog a beating.”Beauty带着White Fang回到他的小屋。每天,他都打那只狗。可知选项B排第一。根据第二段“He ran to Gray Beaver’s tent. He hoped Gray Beaver would save him from Beauty, but Gray Beaver took him back to his new owner. ”他跑到Gray Beaver的帐篷。他希望Gray Beaver能把他从Beauty手中救出来,但Gray Beaver却把他带回了他的新主人那里。可知选项C排第二。根据第三段“He became famous as “The Fighting Wolf”, and men came from near and far to watch him fight other dogs.”他以“好斗的狼”而闻名,人们从四面八方赶来观看他与其他狗打架。可知选项A排第三。根据第四段“One day, White Fang had to fight a lynx, which nearly killed him.”有一天,White Fang不得不与一只猞猁搏斗,差点丧命。可知选项D排第四。综上所述,故选C。
    54.推理判断题。根据第二段“He hoped Gray Beaver would save him from Beauty, but Gray Beaver took him back to his new owner. ”他希望Gray Beaver能把他从Beauty手中救出来,但Gray Beaver却把他带回了他的新主人那里。可知,当Gray Beaver带White Fang回到Beauty那里时,他会很绝望。故选D。
    55.推理判断题。根据第三段“Almost beaten to death daily by this bad man, White Fang became more and more dangerous to other dogs. He was even dangerous to other men and had to be tied up all the time. ”White Fang几乎每天都被这个坏人打死,对其他狗来说,White Fang变得越来越危险。他对其他人来说也很危险,所以不得不一直把他绑起来。可推断,White Fang因为天天被虐,所以他没有感到爱,开始憎恨别人。故选D。
    56.细节理解题。根据第一段“Beauty enjoyed hurting the dog. He liked giving an animal pain. He was a very ugly, bad man.”Beauty喜欢伤害狗。他喜欢给动物疼痛。他是一个非常丑陋的坏人。可知,他是一个与他名字完全相反的人,故选C。


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