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    技巧11 如何描写景色-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练
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    技巧11 如何描写景色-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练

    这是一份技巧11 如何描写景色-高一英语读后续写基础技巧与整体演练,共20页。试卷主要包含了描写方式,描写类型,描写文的要求等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    客观性描写独立于观察者的感知和感情,精确记录描写对象的面目。它是一种真实的报道,目的在于告诉不能亲眼看见描写对象的读者景物的真实情况。作者把自己当作是一部照相机,用词语如实摄制真正的照片。从其超然或公正的特点来看,客观性描写文作者很像是科学家,他要从自己的工作中严格排除个人意见和感情。例如,他在描写上楼时,不能写“I am ging upstairs”,而只能直接写“n the secnd flr”;也不能用反映个人意见内涵的词语,例如,要说“大楼”就要用陈述事实的“large building”,而不能用含有感情的表达“a magnificent building”。
    ①It was beginning t snw, and snwflakes were blinding my eyes.
    ②The sun was breaking thrugh the blanket f mist.
    ③Summer sees the muntains turn bright green with grwing rice. During autumn, these same muntains are flash gld, and in winter they are cvered in sheets f white frst.
    ④A little way ff was a little brk, rushing and sparkling alng between green banks.
    1.要考虑好描写的视角和次序。视角,就是我们通常所讲的人称,用第一和第三人称都可以,但目的、内容和效果却不同。描写次序是指先写什么后写什么的问题。一般来讲,英语描写短文总是按空间顺序(spatial rder)来安排次序的。比如要描写一个房间时,要从先看到的部位写起,从上到下或从下到上。
    Natural Phenmena 自然现象
    The Clear Sky 晴空
    When yu lk at the sky n a clear day, it seems as if the earth is cvered by a blue dme. If
    yu stand at a place where the surface f the earth is flat; the sky seems t meet the earth in any directin yu lk. 在晴朗的日子,你看到天空就像一个蓝色的大圆盘.如果你极目远眺,无论从那个方向,看到的都是天地相接的地平线.
    Summer Evenings夏夜
    Smetimes I will see falling stars draw bright lines in the sky. There is harmny between the mn and stars in the quiet sky and the slw pace f the village. I really enjy the peaceful summer evenings in the village.有时我得到流星在天空中划出明亮的线条,宁静的夜空中挂着一轮明月和闪烁的星星,与慢节奏的村庄形成一幅和谐的美景.我非常喜欢村庄宁静的夏夜.
    The Sun rises 日出
    The next day, the sunlight wke him very early, hiding the stars under a pink blue and blue sky. But the stars kept watching him frm abve. 第二天,日出的光线很早就将他唤醒.夜晚的星星都被阳光藏在粉蓝色的天空下. 但是它们仍然从天上看着他.
    Beautiful Dawn 凌晨美景
    It was the perfect mrning fr ur daily walk: A brisk wind sweeping cean air acrss ur faces, fresh munds f kelp laughing in clumps alng the beach, and the sun cming up frm its flat bed f fg, red and new and full f prmises. 对我们每日的散步来说,这是一个宜人的清晨.清冽的微风夹着海洋的气息扑面而来.一簇簇新鲜的海藻在海滩随处可见.旭日从雾霭中冉冉升起,东升红彤彤,新鲜而充满生机.
    The Mn 月亮
    It is a beautiful and quiet night. The mn is like a disc hanging n the dark sky , which casts its light n everything.一个美丽而宁静的夜晚,月亮像一个圆盘挂在黑暗的夜空中,淡淡的月光普照万物.
    Summer Rain 夏雨
    The first drps f rain are huge; they split int the dust n the grund, and plunk n the rf. The rain nw becmes a trrent, flung by a rising wind. Tgether they batter the trees and level the grasses. Water streams ff rfs. There is nly water. 开始雨点很大,溅起地上的灰尘,打在屋顶上丁当作响.接着大更大的风助威下, 瓢泼大雨倾盆而下,雨水砸向树木,踏平草地.立即,雨水像溪流一样从屋顶奔流而下.到处都是水的世界.
    Rainbw 彩虹
    I am drawn utside while the rain still falls. All arund, there is cl and welcme feeling. I breathe deeply and watch the sun’s rays streak thrugh breaking cluds. One ray catches the drps that frm n the edge f the rf, and I am treated t a rw f tiny, quivering clrs—my private rainbw. They are red, range, yellw, green, blue, indig, and vilet, which makes a wnderland. 雨一直在下,我跑出去,享受周围那一丝丝清凉的感觉。我深深地吸了一口气,看着阳光明媚穿过残云。一缕阳光正好照在屋檐边的雨滴上,形成了只有我才看见的一条细细的,忽隐忽现的彩虹。五颜六色-----赤橙黄绿青蓝紫,简直就像仙境一般。
    9.A Thunder Strm 雷雨
    The sky is full f black cluds. Flashes f lightning lit up the curts, ld huses, and ramshackle prches, and thunder begins t rar verhead. N birds sing any lnger, but the leaves f the trees rustle and a wind blws against ur faces. A drp f water falls, then anther, and then the rain falls n the leaves f the trees and the irn rfs with a nise reminding us f the beating f drums. A brilliant stripe flight fills the sky. Suddenly there cmes a terrible thunderclap verhead, and then the sky is full f rars f thunder. 天空乌云密布,雷电闪闪,照亮了天井、老屋,还有那摇摇欲坠的走廊。一声惊雷在头顶上炸响。只有树叶的沙沙声。风吹打在脸上,雨开始一滴一滴地下着,雨滴打在树叶和铁皮屋顶上,就像敲锣打鼓的声音。一道闪电越过天空,紧接着头顶上又是一声惊雷,然后天空中轰鸣的雷声不断。
    10.Snw Picture 雪景
    When I gt up the next mrning, I saw that the grund was cvered with a vast blanket f whiteness. With the white grund underft, and the chimneys here and there sending ut brwn smke int the clear blue sky verhead, the whle scene might match the mst beautiful mrning picture in the wrld. 当我第二天早晨起床时,我看到大地被厚厚的白色毯子覆盖着。在脚下白色的大地上,缕缕炊烟升入头顶蔚蓝的天空,犹如世界上最美的动人画卷。
    11.Autumn Dusk 秋日黄昏
    The mst beautiful thing during the autumn is dusk. The setting sun lks like a burning ball f fire; it makes the sky lk s clrful. A flck f wild geese fly back and frth in the sky, as if they dn’t want t leave. The many insects making nise in the grass make fields seem mre interesting.秋日的黄昏最美的。太阳像一个大火球,把天空染成五颜六色。一群大雁在天空飞来飞去,似乎不想离开。草中的虫鸣使田野显得更有趣。
    12.Winter Night 冬夜
    It was cld and bleak in the late winter. The night was dark, nt a star was t be seen in the glmy and dismal sky. The nrth wind was hwling dreadfully utside the huse, like the screams f sme wunded wild beasts.阴冷的寒冬,夜里一片漆黑,在阴沉的天空中甚至连一颗星星都看不见。屋外北风呼啸,像受伤的野兽的尖叫声。
    13.Snw 初雪
    The first snw came, Hw beautiful it was, falling s silently all day lng, all night lng, n the muntains, in the meadws, n the rfs f living. All white save the river, that marked its curse by a winding black line acrss the landscape, What silence, t, came with the snw, and what seclusin! Every sund was muffled every nise changed t smething sft and musical. N mre trumping hfs, n mre rattling wheels! 初雪飘零,多么美啊!它整日整夜那么静静地飘着,落在山岭上,落在草地上,落在屋顶上。在一片白茫茫之中,只有河流在美丽的画面上划出一道曲曲弯弯的黑线。初雪飘落时,是何等的宁静、何等的幽静!一切声响都江堰市趋于沉寂,一切噪音都化作柔和的音乐。再没有嘈杂的步行声,再没有滚滚的车轮声。
    Clrful Wrld 五彩世界
    1.The Setting Sun 日落
    When the sun begins t set behind the muntains, its lng rays light up the green fields f wheat r rice. And all the trees and bushes with a glden glw. The cluds abve the sky als begin t glw with a glden light, and the muntains are f a lvely purple clr.太阳快要下山了,柔和的光照在绿色的田野里和丛林上,金光闪闪,天空的云彩也开始金光闪闪,山也变成美丽的紫色。
    2.Tward Evening 傍晚
    Then as the fiery ball f the sun is gne altgether behind the muntain, the red clr f the cluds begins t fade, and gradually fakes away until all the cluds are grey and the muntains becme a deep black clear cut against the pale sky, where the evening stars take the place f the sun and shine brightly. 火红的太阳隐没到山后,红彤彤的云彩也渐渐地褪色,天空成了灰色,山也变成了深褐色,像一幅版画映衬在苍白的天空中。 夜空中明亮的星星开始闪耀。。。。。。
    3.Clrful Wrld 五彩世界
    The sun was already in the west but it was still shining. Its light was s bright that I culdn’t even pen my eyes. When I arrived at the west Hill, the light became a bit yellw. After a shrt while, it was cmpletely glden, then red. The sun nearly set. It was like a great fiery ball. The clud arund it was als painted red. Little by little the clud cvered mre and mre f the sun. At last it disappeared behind the clud. It was already dark. 太阳偏西,但还非常明亮,强光刺得我睁不开眼。当我到达西山时,光线泛黄,一会儿,就变成了金黄色,然后又变成红色,太阳快要下山了,就像一个大火球,把周围的云也染红了。太阳慢慢地沉下去,终于躲入云中,天已经黑了。
    4.Beach Hliday 海滩假日
    I had always liked the beach. I t didn’t matter if the sun didn’t shine while yu were hiking in the lake District—in fact, a light rain made it all the mre exhilarating. I yearned fr the bright blues, yellws and reds f a beach hliday. 我一向喜欢海滩。当来到湖泊地区远足时,天空没有阳光并不要紧。事实上,一场小雨会更增添其中的情趣罗强烈地向往着海滩假日中明亮的湛蓝色、金黄色。
    5.Natural Beauty 自然美景
    On ne side, beginning at the very lip f the pl, was a tiny meadw, a cl, resilient surface f green that extended t the vase f the frwning wall. Beynd the pl a gentle slpe f earth ran up and up t meet the ppsing wall. Fine grass cvered the slpe-grass that was spangled with flwers, with here and there patches f clr, range and purple and glden. 在深潭的一边,有一片小小的草地,凉爽而富有弹性的绿草地从潭的边缘延伸到皱折的峭壁下面。深潭的另、一边,一个缓坡延伸着直上到对面的峭壁。满坡鲜美的草,五颜六色的花朵,桔黄色的、紫色的、金黄色的点缀其间。
    Natural Wrld山川风貌
    1.The Mrning Dew 晨露
    On sunshiny summer mrnings, the grass is ften wet with dew. There maybe drps f dew n flwers and bushes, and spider webs, t. The drps f dew sparkle like jewels when the sun shines n them. 在晴朗的夏天的凌晨,草上常常沾满露珠,花丛中,甚至蜘蛛网上也有。当阳光照耀在露珠上时露珠像珠宝一样闪闪发光。
    2.Lijiang River 漓江
    The river is rally very clean and pure. We rented a bat and enjyed the beautiful scenes alng the river. The muntains are s special. I’ve seen many ther kinds f muntains, but I like Guilihn’s muntains best. I’ve seen many rivers befre, but I like Lijiang Rivers best. 河水清澈透明,我们租了一条小船,沿江欣赏着美景。山很奇特,我见过许多其他类型的山,但我最喜欢桂林的山,我也见过许多河流,但我最喜欢漓江。
    3.Night f the Lake 湖之夜
    Arund the lake are sme trees, their slender leaves bellwing in the gentle wind. There must be sme frgs in the middle f the lake, whse endless singing can be heard clearly. What an attractive night! 湖周围有些树,嫩嫩的树叶在微风中飘扬。湖中一定有青蛙,我能清楚地听见它们在不停地歌唱。多美的夜晚啊!
    4.Ocean at the Sunset 日落时的大海
    A gust f wind brught frth the faint smell f fish, and this made me feel jyus. Slwly, the rays f sunlight faded, and dimness surrunded me. The entire cean changed t a dark vilet hue. Later, the red sun escaped int the sea. 一阵海风带来了淡淡的鱼腥味,使我兴奋起来。慢慢地,太阳光消失了,周围一片朦胧,整个海洋变成暗紫色,最后红红的太阳消失在大海里。
    5.Sea Beauty 大海美景
    Frm as far as yu culd see n the left and right was pen water and sand. The splash f pieces f seashells lay scattered n the beach and small hles cvered the sand where the crabs had dug in. The wind felt sft and warm and the water nt very chilling. Far in the distance the sun was changing the clr frm a yellw t an range and then t a red ball hanging ver the hrizn. 极目远眺,你能看见一望无垠的大海和沙滩。海滩上散落着海贝,还有一些小洞,那是螃蟹挖的。风柔而暖,水也并不太凉。远处的太阳由黄色变成橘红色,一个大红球,悬挂在天边。
    6.Waterfall 瀑布
    Frm the sky fell the waterfall’s high rising, thick mist. When in cntact with sunlight, the seven—clred rainbw hung in the sky, which was very stunning. 瀑布飞流直下,震荡起浓浓的水雾,在阳光照耀下形成美丽的七色彩虹,挂在空中,令人称奇。
    7.Canyn 峡谷
    It was the green heart f the canyn, where the walls swerved back frm the rigid plan and relieved their harshness f line by making a little sheltered nk and filling it t the brim with sweetness and rundness and sftness. Here all things rested. Even the narrw stream ceased its turbulent dwn—rush lng enugh t frm a quiet pl….. 这是峡谷葱绿的中心,在这里峭壁改变了它们僵硬的形式和粗糙的线条,形成 一个小小的隐蔽处,并使之充满甜美、圆润和安逸。这儿一切都很宁静,甚至连咆哮着直冲而下的瀑布也平静下来,。形成了一个宁静的深潭
    8.The Frest 森林
    There’s beauty in the wds, t, especially late in the fall. Smetimes yu walk amng the huge trees where the sunlight filters thrugh. It’s quiet and big, with tuches f white and green and gld. And the silence is like that f church.森林也是美丽的, 特别是晚秋的森林. 有时候,你行走在阳光斑驳的高大林木间。森林在这儿那儿涂抹着白色、绿色、和金黄色,深广而且寂静,这寂静就像教堂里的肃穆一样。
    9.The Sea 大海
    The sea is very big. Sme parts f the sea are very shallw. But sme places, the seal is quite deep. The sea is salty; Rivers carry salt frm the land in the sea. In the sea, there are plenty f dishes and plants. Sme live near the tp f the sea. Others live deep dwn. Millins f tiny living things flat in the sea. These flating things are s small that it is hard t see them. Many fishes live by eating these living things. 大海很大。 有的地方很浅,有的地方很深。大海是咸的。河流把陆地的盐带到了大海里。在大海里,有许多鱼和植物。有的生活在浅水层,有的生活在深水层。成百上千万的生物漂浮在海里。这些浮游生物太小了,我们大家很难看见它们。很多鱼靠吃这些浮游生物为生。
    One night, after reading ne f the hundreds f parenting bks I’ve read, I was feeling a little guilty because the bk had described sme parenting strategies I hadn’t used in a while. The main strategy was t talk with yur child and use thse three magic wrds: ”I lve yu.“ It had stressed ver and ver that children need t knw that uncnditinally yu really lve them.
    I went upstairs t my sn’s bedrm and kncked n the dr. As l kncked, all I culd hear were his drums. I knew he was there but he wasn’t answering. S I pened the dr and, sure enugh, there he was sitting with his earphnes n, listening t a tape and playing his drums. After I leaned ver t get his attentin, I said t him, “Tim, have yu gt a secnd? ”
    He said, “Oh sure, Dad. I’m always gd fr ne.” We then sat dwn and after abut 15 minutes and a lt f small talk, I just lked at him and said, “Tim, I really lve the way yu play drums.”
    He said, ”Oh, thanks, Dad, I appreciate it.“
    I walked ut f the dr and said, ”See yu later! "As I was walking dwnstairs, it ccurred t me that I went up there with a certain message and had nt delivered it. I felt it was really imprtant t get back up there and have anther chance t say thse three magic wrds.
    1. 续写词数应为100左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Again I climbed the stairs, kncked n the dr and pened it.
    I sit n the edge f my bed, faint smiles sliding acrss my face, as I srt thrugh ld phtgraphs. I hld each memry briefly in my hands befre drpping them nt the pile in my lap and searching fr the next happy mment t remember. Each picture brings up feelings deep within me.
    As I relive the memries, I can't help but ntice ne pht in particular buried deep in the bx. The picture at first glance is lvely. The sun was shining with nt a clud t be seen. I was sting with my arm arund a happy-lking girl, her arm rested casually n my shulders. As I fcus n the happy girl, the smile that cvers my face becmes a frwn. It is Amy Sule, my nw ex-best friend. A terrible pang (一阵剧痛) f regret flashes thrugh me, and I feel tightness in my thrat.
    Our decline in friendship began with different interests. She wanted t g t the mall and shp, while I preferred t watch ld mvies in my spare time. Sn the nly time I saw her was when we exchanged a hurried hell in the busy schl halls between classes. N mre ntes were passed behind the teacher's back, and my parent's phne bill became much cheaper. She fund a new grup f friends, and s did I. Befre I had a chance t repair the friendship, she mved away, causing the crack t becme an uncrssable rift.
    I made excuses fr nt keeping in tuch. It was t far t visit, t lng f a drive. I knew that was nt the truth, but I was t nervus t pick up the phne and call. Eventually, the rift grew t large t bridge. Amy had left and she had taken a huge chunk f my heart with her.
    I stand up and pull myself back int the nw. Glancing up at my calendar, I remember that Amy's birthday is arund the crner. In fact, we were brn in the same rm, tw days apart. We started s clse and ended up s far. This bittersweet memry causes me t smile despite my feelings f regret.
    Paragraph 1:
    Suddenly I have an idea.
    Paragraph 2:
    I stick the nte under the edge f the pht frame and search fr Amy's address.
    The Dg Wh Saved Our Family
    We met Max at the pickup area f Alaska Airlines five years ag. He was a standard pdle(狮子狗)brn n Valentine’s Day in 2017, and came t us in a small blue bx. We had adpted him frm an ut-f-state raiser wh psted the news n the scial netwrk. Our nly request was that he have a calm behavir, able t bear the pushing and hugging f ur eight-year-ld daughter and six-year-ld sn.
    We were a sweet little family:me,my husband, and ur children, Sphie and Jake. But fr years I’d felt as if we wuldn’t really be cmplete until we had a dg. Als, my husband wrked in a business cmpany and had t travel sme 200 days a year fr his jb, and I knew I’d feel safer with a large animal sleeping by the dr.
    When we pened the bx, the last piece f ur puzzle fell int place. With his black hair and intelligent eyes,Max was beautiful. He was s small that he fit int the palm f my hand, his big paws lapping ver the sides. He was als a little bit scared. As I pulled him clse,I felt his heart pund and wndered if we’d dne the right thing, taking him frm his mther. But it was t late. Sphie and Jake were already fighting ver wh wuld hld him next and wh shuld have the right t take a bath fr him.
    Over the fllwing mnths, we spent endless hurs watching Max play with his Kng ty r rll arund the living rm flr. Like mst pdles, he was smart. He mastered huse-training quickly and never chewed n ur furniture r shes. He cnsidered himself ne f us.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右
    One night we were sleeping in the bedrm when I heard sme strange nise.
    At that time,Max ran twards me.
    Life never really turns ut the way we expect it t. We have dreams and expectatins. And dream-cme-true stries are everywhere — except, it may seem, in ur wn lives.
    As a child, Barbara never quite fund the bnd with her parents that all children need. Her father left the family early, and her mther did menial jbs.
    “I culdn’t let my life keep me frm caring abut ther peple,” she says. “Maybe it’s unfair r just the way it turns ut fr peple, but I still have a sn.”
    Barbara raised her sn the best she knew hw and “he turned ut pretty well,” she says, smiling. And after the hard years f making ends meet and giving him a gd start, she made a career change.
    “I never thught I was suppsed t feel srry fr myself,” she says. “And I like peple.”
    Barbara wrks as an in-hme caregiver fr elderly peple in their last year f life. She spends 10-hur days, six days a week, with peple wh have Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, smetimes sleeping n their sfa when they are afraid t spend a night alne. Mst dn’t have families clse by, and Barbara becmes the persn they rely n fr everything: meals, bathing, bathrm duties, daily walks if they can, mental exercises like crsswrd puzzles and re-learning family faces.
    She nly charges what the family can affrd and nly wrks with ne client at a time. “They becme the family I never had, ver and ver again,” she says, laughing.
    The spaces left empty in Barbra’s childhd are filled with memries shared with her frm lives fading away in the dusk. Fr 30 years, she has been making peple feel gd at a time when mst wuld just be waiting t die, alne and unnticed. When seeing their faces when they are with Barbara, yu’d think the last years were the best.
    “I’ve fund smething I never had,” Barbara says. “We make each ther happy. S I try t give them what they want mst.”
    She’s learned frm her experiences that ld peple want their lved nes t visit them.
    I psted Barbara’s stry nline t call n children t visit their parents.
    As this term began, I fund a new student in my class named Ian Bnus, 16 years ld. He was silent, always ding business alne. Frm his file, I learned that Ian was brn in Krea, and spent all his childhd there until his family mved t England. It wasn’t as smth and easy as he imagined. He had t learn and speak a new language s as t cmmunicate with thers. When at schl, he tended t avid crwds. He usually tried every pssible means t keep his muth shut up, even in class. Besides, after class, he didn’t jin any clubs r activities even thugh everyne arund him invited him t have a try.
    At the beginning, I thught Ian was just a little shy at his age especially in a new place. Hwever, later he still didn’t say a single wrd when classmates gt alng well. Having ever dealt with such similar situatin myself, I felt I had the suitable experience and the right respnsibility t encurage him t melt int ur class.Finally, a chance came. One day, in my class, it was Ian’s turn t make a shrt speech as ther students did regularly. But he just std up, saying nthing. Then I culd feel his face red with embarrassment. Next class, we had a P.E. lessn n the curt. Again, he didn’t jin, just sitting n the bench watching thers play. Learning that he was fnd f sprts and was actually a very athletic and energetic persn, I felt a strng desire t persuade him t play tgether. With this thught in mind, I walked ver and sat aside Ian.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    “Hell, Ian, why nt jin us in playing badmintn?” I smiled, “I knw yu can play well.”
    The next mrning, Ian vlunteered t step nt the platfrm t make up fr the speech he missed the day befre.
    1.Again I climbed the stairs, kncked n the dr and pened it. Entering the rm, I said with a determined lk, “Tim, I want t let yu knw exactly hw I feel. I just wanted yu t knw I lve yu, and I dn’t knw why I hld back n smething s imprtant.” Hearing what I said, surprised and verwhelmed, he was frzen fr a while. And then he walked slwly twards me, rubbing his hands nervusly. As he whispered that he lved me t, we hugged tgether firmly with tears welling up in ur eyes. I think what Tim taught me that night is that the nly way yu can understand the real meaning and purpse f lve is t be willing t pay the price. Yu have t g ut there and risk sharing it.
    1.进入:enter/get int /walk int
    ①.坚定的:determined / firm
    ②.惊讶的:surprised /amazed
    [高分句型1]. Hearing what I said, surprised and verwhelmed, he was frzen fr a while. (由连接词what引导的宾语从句以及hearing作非谓语)
    [高分句型2]. As he whispered that he lved me t, we hugged tgether firmly with tears welling up in ur eyes. (由连接词as引导的时间状语从句)
    2. Suddenly I have an idea. Withut the slightest hesitatin, I drp t my knees and begin t wildly search thrugh my desk drawers. At last, I lay my hands n an ld picture frame I have had frever. I pick up the fallen pht f Amy and me, snapping it int the frame. Praying that this framed phtgraph will prmpt her t take a sudden trip back t ur happy mment, I write a simple nte, saying “Happy birthday, Amy!”
    I stick the nte under the edge f the pht frame and search fr Amy’s address. Thankfully I make it. I hld the frame tightly in my arms, determined nt t let this glden chance slip thrugh my fingers. “It’s nt much, but it’s a start,” I said t myself, “and the space between us is already smaller.” This time I will nt hesitate t be the ne t reach ut and build a bridge. It may be hard but fixing a brken friendship will leave it strnger than befre. (150 wrds)
    ①.寻找:search /seek
    ②.拾起:pick up /take up
    ③.抱在怀中:hld sth in ne’s arms/gather sth in ne’s arms
    ①.愉快的时光:happy mment /pleasant time
    ②.毫不犹豫:will nt hesitate/withut hesitatin/unhesitatingly
    [高分句型1]. Praying that this framed phtgraph will prmpt her t take a sudden trip back t ur happy mment, I write a simple nte, saying “Happy birthday, Amy!”(句中使用动名词作主语和现在分词作状语)
    [高分句型2]. I hld the frame tightly in my arms, determined nt t let this glden chance slip thrugh my fingers. (句中使用过去分词作状语)
    3.One pssible versin:
    One night we were sleeping in the bed rm when I heard sme strange nise. I thught it was Max running and hitting smething, s I kept lying in the bed and made an attempt t fall asleep again. Hwever, the nise became luder and luder, which had already annyed me. Swiftly I gt up frm my bed. I pened the dr and fund Max was running arund the living rm, trying t let all the things fall dwn. These abnrmal behavirs really cnfused me while it als made me a little afraid.
    At that time,Max ran twards me. He firmly grabbed my trusers and mtined me t the kitchen. As I apprached the kitchen, I culd bviusly smell a strng burning scent and instantly knew what had happened. When I saw the fierce fire in the kitchen, I dashed int my children’s rm like an arrw, waking them up at my maximum vice. Rushing ut f the huse tgether, I called 911 and asked ur neighbrs fr help at the same time. Frtunately bth my family and my huse were saved. Thanks t ur smart Max, we did escape frm death.
    3. 词汇激活
    ①试图:make an attempt/make an effrt/take a crack at
    ③接近:apprach/mve tward
    ④知道;knw/be aware f/realize
    [高分句型1] Hwever, the nise became luder and luder, which had already annyed me.(which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2]As I apprached the kitchen, I culd bviusly smell a strng burning scent and instantly knew what had happened.(As引导的时间状语从句)
    4. She’s learned frm her experiences that ld peple want their lved nes t visit them. Therefre, she tries her best t give mre help t the elderly and make them happier. Whenever she serves an elderly family, she will learn abut their lved nes, especially their children. She will take dwn their hme address and cntact infrmatin. She will chat with them t learn abut the ld peple’s living habits in rder t better serve them. She als tells them abut the ld peple’s current situatin and encurages them t pay as many visits as pssible.
    I psted Barbara’s stry nline t call n children t visit their parents. The respnse t my pst was psitive. Many peple tld me they were mved by the stry and tld me abut their experiences. Sme peple said that they rarely visited their parents because they were s busy at wrk. When their parents died, they felt very sad and pitiful, but it was t late. Others were happy t tell me that they were inspired by her stry, and they nw ften visit their parents, wh are very happy.
    尽最大努力:try ne’s best/spare n effrt t
    写下:take dwn /write dwn
    去世:die/pass away
    感动:mved /tuched
    高兴:happy /pleased
    [高分句型1] Many peple tld me they were mved by the stry and tld me abut their experiences. (运用了省略that的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2] Others were happy t tell me that they were inspired by her stry, and they nw ften visit their parents, wh are very happy. (运用了wh引导非限制性定语从句)
    5.One pssible versin:
    “Hell, Ian, why nt jin us in playing badmintn?” I smiled, “I knw yu can play well.” Hwever, he shk his head and smiled shyly. Then I tld him it was cmmn fr a newcmer and I culd understand hw he was feeling. I hped he culd tell me the reasn and be mre active. He was mved and tld me that the reasn was his lack f cnfidence t speak English in frnt f thers and his fear f being teased. Then I encuraged him t seize every chance t practice and later we decided n sme useful tips.
    The next mrning, Ian vlunteered t step nt the platfrm t make up fr the speech he missed the day befre. “Hell, everyne. I’m Ian Bnus frm Krea. Befre my speech, I’d like t express my sincere thanks t yu all, especially ur teacher.” Then he finished a brilliant speech fluently. After that, he was active in every discussin in class and jined an after-schl sprts club with new friends. Since then, whether n the curt r during speeches, cnfident smiles were always n his face.
    ②学习:learn/maste/take a gd cmmand f
    ③处理:deal with/cpe with/handle
    ①感谢: thanks/appreciatin/gratitude
    [高分句型1] Then I tld him it was cmmn fr a newcmer and I culd understand hw he was feeling. (由省略的that引导的宾语从句,and并列两个从句)
    [高分句型2] The next mrning, Ian vlunteered t step nt the platfrm t make up fr the speech that he missed the day befre. (由关系代词that引导非限制性定语从句)

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